Had the same problem. Created the players, saved my Profile, then next time I played it they wern't there, and the lineups I had corrected were back to defult.
I learnt (the hard way), that before you turn the game off (after obviosuly making your changes and creations) that you must actually save in "ROSTERS". It isn't that straight forward, because after you have created a player, you go into the save menu and the first option that pops up is, Save Profile, and naturally clicking Save in that menu you assume that it is in fact just that [saved]. But (for a Ps2 anyway) you must click R1 to goto the "Rosters" saving area. So do that.
Anyway, creations aye.
I have done a couple, just to make the rosters accurate. I created Jimmy Gopperth for the Hurricanes (because he's not there), except due to "J.Gopperth" being too long a name for the game, I made it, "J.Goperth", so that works, and I don't mind too much. Looks good, and gave him a pretty wide neck (too give him more of his Sqaure Sholders look, aka Sponge Bob Square Pants). And I made his stats accurate to real life, not a superstar or anything, but about 2 or 3 points of a better kicker (for goal) than Ricky Flutey. I added him by replacing Gopperth (or should I say, Goperth) with Bobo, who is no longer with the 'Canes but still in their roster.
I also created James Ryan for the Highlanders, and took out a player who was no longer in the squad (I forget who off hand).
Also created Kevin O'Neill for the Crusaders, replacing Bryce Williams.
Also created Anesi for the Cheifs, replacing Roger Randle.
+ I added Delasau (Fijian) to the Crusaders, and replacing Vunibaka.
So yup.
Your stories? Any other majors needed to be added?
Jamie Gough