Just been and brought this game and find it very entertaining!!
Anyone else played it??
Anyone else played it??
the Rock is unlockable, just type in 'The Great One' in the code section. Or complete edges road to wrestlemania. (don't know if code works on psp)
Austin is in the game and unlockable by pre-order one time only code. So you can't get him unless you have one. He is rumoured to be DLC for the rest of us early next year.
You can play as Austin by downloading someone elses created story, if they have Austin in their story then you can use him. He will not be unlocked in the regular roster though.
There are some CAWs of Austin that you can download, they have his music and moveset. They are quite good.
I enjoyed the story creator, awsome fun, just takes ages to make them.
If anyone wants to play my stories then just search for 'the rock goes extreme' parts 1 and 2.
Im on Ps3 psn is cccjjjaaayyy.
EDIT: You can also unlock dusty Rhodes, Ted Dibiase Sr (both availble in suits only) and Vince McMahon is playable in ring gear with an unlockable suit.[/b]
I have already unlocked everything there is to unlock.........
........that is except Austin. The only reason I got this game is to make Rock/Austin come back stories. I'll just have to wai for Austin DLC. TBH If the Rock wasn't in this I never would have got it. It's one of the better ones in recent years but I don't care for modern wrestlers. Its all about the legends. I'm still on SVR 06 which I own on on PS2 and PSP. Its worth picking up on psp, its cheap..............
.............and it has legends to boot..off the top of my head, 3 Hogans (boas, hollywood, 80s) Dibiase, Andre, Jake the Snake, Rock, Austin, Jimmy Hart, Junkyard dog, Brittish Bulldog, Brett Hart and Mankind. And thats just the legends!!
Also, Austin and Hogan are both voice acted in the story mode. It also has GM mode and create a pvp which are long gone in todays games.
Awsome, awsome game.[/b]
It's the best Smackdown game since the first ones back in 2000. I love it, I think it's really good. It's not got the legends but you can download versions the online community have created.[/b]
It's available under "Online" on the game's main menu.[/b]
Can you create and share stories on the psp? Would take forever to write them. I plug my key boards into my ps3!
Candyman, if you want Austin then Get SVR 06 on psp. As I said, it has him voiced for the story and it has an unlockable alternate attire aswell. (T-shirt and jeans I think) not to mention its one of the better likenesses (better than
SVR 10 which looks nothing like him ) that Ive seen of Austin. And graphics, its the psp so they havent changed much since SVR 06!![/b]
I don't think there are codes for the PSP. I don't think you can get Austin at all for psp. Thats what my internet searches have uncovered anuway. Apparently hackers have confirmed that he is on the disc though. Does the psp even do DLC? that would be your only hope.
This is the first SVR game that I bought since 06. The only reason being create a story with the chance to bring back rock or Austin. (actually I bought SVR 09 just to unlock the roster for legends of wrestlemania then got a refund the same day.) I wouldn't toucj any of the other ones, they all pale in comparison to SVR 06. If LOW had story creator then I would never need another wrestling game!
If you already have SVR 06 then youll have to go without Austin for now atleast. The good thing is that him and the Rock will be mainstays as legends for years to come I think. I really want a next gen Hulk Hogan like the the one in SVR 06 (with the red and yellow tights and feather boas) I love playing as old Hulk Hogan, his overall is low and it makes him fun to use against AI. I never get tired of watching his entrance!![/b]