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Aviva Premiership - Round 22

Why the hell did he go for the DG then?!
They were miles out!

Insane play from bath.

They run 15 phases waste minutes doing so then kick long. If they'd kicked off the 1st or 2nd phase they'd have been in their territory and putting pressure on.

Ford would have been better just snacking up a bomb instead of that hit and hope.

Essentially that's why Ford won't take Farrell's spot as England 10.
Bit of a mental afternoon all round, great way to end the regular season I guess!

I'm not sure you can define why Ford isn't first choice on one moment. If Fazlet had been playing he wouldn't have scored the try Ford did etc so I think its a double edged sword comparing them both in this instance. Ford certainly needs to be more consistent with his decision making, I've seen him play games this season when he's managed play like a fifty cap pro, only for him to have some mental moments the next week.

Devoto looked tasty though, and JJ did alright too. From a Quins POV I'm ecstatic we're through but from an England perspective its maybe not the best result.

The Tigers/Sarries game sounds like it was a bit mad too.
I don't think one moment defines him. But I think it highlights what is essentially his biggest weakness he just isn't patient, he could have run the game for another few phases then had a pop.

He just clearly didn't trust his teammates to do it. That's a big problem going forward.

U wot m8?
I think its more indicative of the inconsistency of youth rather than a flaw in his game. He'll learn to get over it.
I'm not convinced it isn't a coaching issue - I think we just haven't practiced DG routine.
It's the third game in which we wanted to go for one and we didn't do any buildup work for it.

Frustrated at not getting into the playoffs - mainly because we really should have picked up 1 or two more points in the middle of the season.
Brilliant derby match at Sixways today to finish the season lets hope for a better one next year :)
If you feel like some light entertainment head over to the drunkenWasps boards and see the bunch of idiots on there try and pretend there's nothing wrong with Wasps after losing by a recommend margin with a team with largely match day 23 players.

I've lost count of the number of times I've heard the argument "Only two years ago we were on the edge of relegation and financial oblivion and look where we're at now"

The following are not premiership standard based on this season alone: Tom Lindsay, Charlie Hayter, Baby Bell, Taione Vea (to be fair to him he's been made to play at tight-head recently), Ed Jackson, Joe Carlisle
I agree on Hayter, Bell and Carlisle.

Barely seen Vea.

Jackson has looked decent when I've seen him and I'm convinced you aren't using Lindsay very well.
For a guy whose main strength is ball-carrying (something I'm sure you'd agree he is very good at) he barely ever sees the ball.
Jackson looked better for Welsh than Wasps - he's been quiet to the point of absence for us.

I agree that there is something strategic in how you utilise players but its also up to the individual to get into the right places, offer himself up, run lines etc.
Lindsay is a very good ball carrier when coming onto it from speed; when he takes it from a standing start, which is most of the time, he's next to useless. His work rate is also poor. Most of the time I have literally no idea what he's up to. But I do agree there is some unfulfilled potential there. I just think it's up to him.
I see wasps as slowly shedding the dead weight and improving their squad each year. I always think they make some good signings just need to have a better 32 players overall to compete higher up the table.

The wasps starting 15 is class though, it's the rest where they struggle
I like to think your right living sacrifice. Tom Lindsay has only just resigned and I have a feeling he only got a contract because we failed to sign ghiraldini.

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