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[COVID-19] - Things to do when under lockdown


First XV
TRF Legend
Oct 3, 2011
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Right, that other thread is depressing as **** and we're shouting at each other in frustration.

So trying to grab something a bit more on the lighter side out of being forced to sit around for weeks... (and copying this idea like f**k from elsewhere!)

What can folks do when locked down?

I know a few of youse have talked about running. Anyone suggestions for resistance exercises in the house using normal items?

Start/continue learning another language would be one, or even learning anything - Coursera or Udemy would be suggestions for where to look for that - anyone any other suggestions off that ilk?

If you've a garden (or even a decent balcony), firing up a poly tunnel and growing some fruit/veg could be useful in more ways than one!

Read some books maybe. Anyone any good recommendations?
Me, I m using the time to study. Privately hoping my exam in May in cancelled as no way am I ready to sit it. Still trying to get through the material.
Even on lock down your are encouraged to go outside and exercise. I'm hoping my local does a lock down hatch
Even on lock down your are encouraged to go outside and exercise. I'm hoping my local does a lock down hatch
in aus they're saying when in lockdown or self isolation no, dont go outside if you can help it...but we have no food so no chance of getting fat when not exercising
Everyone always says they mean to read more, this is a good chance to actually do it.

Try and enjoy the time with your family I suppose? Obviously there'll be arguments etc it's inevitable but might as well try and make the most of it.

Would recommend going for a walk everyday, gets you out of the house, along with much needed fresh air and exercise. Obviously be careful and try avoid other people at the same time.

Watch a lot of Netflix.

To be honest I'm really struggling to find things to do and there's a very large sport-shaped hole to be filled but we'll get through this one way or the other.
AFL is going ahead now, get behind a new team! happy to do my part and help pick a team for people
I like this public safety message from the Brumbies. Sing a long while you wash your hands. :)

Well I have a patch of grass I was thinking of turning into a veg patch and might as well do it now. Can get for first and second early potatoes in and maybe even some parsnips, radishes and lettuce. Have the first crop of those in 12 weeks.
If you're an NFL fan, Gamespass is free until the end of May. Can watch old games, NFL Network and a load of documentaries.

If you like epic stories Worm (https://parahumans.wordpress.com/) is a huge free webnovel that's an interesting look at the superhero genre. Starts as a high school drama but is so much more than that.

If you want to finally read those classics you've been meaning to get to there's loads of Kindle collections for less than a pound. I got this one the other day: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B06XWBCYH7/ref=ya_aw_dod_pi?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You don't need a Kindle you can just download the app.

In terms of podcasts not another DND podcast has over 100 episodes of really funny content with a good story. If you're interested in history, Mike Duncan's podcasts The History of Rome and Revolutions are worth a listen. The first season of revolutions is on the English Civil War. Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell and Against the Rules by Michael Lewis (the guy who wrote the big short) are also interesting looks at more contemporary issues.

For exercise running and walks are obvious enough. I did a deck of cards workout the other day which definitely gets the heart pumping. You assign a different exercise to the each suit, draw a card and do as many reps as the value of the card. Try and get through the deck as fast as you can. R/bodyweight fitness also has a load of free routines. While YouTubers like John Meadows and Joey Szatmary have stuff up for home workouts.
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I have anti-bac wipes and I'm going to glove up and buy a couple more resistance bands on the way home from work today, I'll also take a browse to see if there's any playstation games or books that catch my eye and maybe an airfix model too!

Did my first home workout last night, started with the below which is killer and then did two super sets with bands hitting back, shoulders and arms. Feeling it today which is good. Going to do sprints tonight, if/when lockdown happens I'll get going on some of the home hiit workouts that are being shared.

Gonna start doing home workouts from tomorrow - got two 10kg weights and I think a playground near me has pull-up bars, so I'm sure I can cobble something together
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Amazon those pull up bars that go at a doorway?

[as modelled by Alpha]

edit: Anyone know if they are any good or are they a gimmick?
Did think about getting one of those, but I've seen a few horror stories of them ******* up the frame/the wall around the frame so don't want to risk it - gives me an excuse to get out for a run as well, so I'm not too put out by having to get out the house for it.
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Well I've got a 3 month old baby so that's a great time killer.

I also have guitars. Would massively recommend an instrument or some kind of musical pursuit if you have access to one.
Kind of ****** that I left my instruments at my parents, but law school is still pretty time consuming so it's not like I'm dying of boredom. The St. Patrick's Day party of 6 people was kind of depressing compared to the usual ragers at bars.

Unholy Union. About the professionalization of rugby. Written by a Guardian journalist so it's a bit lefty.
Who Owns England? Also some lefty dribble. It's about how property in the UK (England specifically) is owned by a small amount of people and how it affects other parts of life.
Good to Go- disproves a lot of myths about recovery in sport (ice baths, infared saunas, etc.
American centric books I've read recently
Color of Law- about how my ancestors used the law to **** over black people
How to Hide an Empire- about American imperialism

Hardcore History- a couple of different series but the one about Rome is very interesting.

Alan Thrall has two home workouts posted for the epidemic. I'm lucky that my gym is still open and since all the undergrads are away I never have to worry about more than 10 people being the room. Not that 10 is some magic number but it's never crowded.
Just found out this morning that there are 2 cases in hospital over the road, so I'm starting to think things might be different quite soon. Not sure yet if we'll be forced to close, or have to close to self-isolate if either of us gets it . Any period of closure will be put to good use getting the allotment up to scratch as the weather has been too shite to get much done recently. Did manage to get my first earlies in the ground a few weeks ago and the winter onions are sizing up nicely.Planted my onions, grown from seed yesterday, and the tomatoes are coming on but there a lot to be done. Finer weather not far away so hopefully spend some happy hours up there.
Alan Thrall has two home workouts posted for the epidemic. I'm lucky that my gym is still open and since all the undergrads are away I never have to worry about more than 10 people being the room. Not that 10 is some magic number but it's never crowded.
My gym is still open atm but they've closed half the equipment - so every other treadmill, every other bench etc. has an out of order sign on - so you're never working out next to someone.
Weird, but I guess they've got to try and stay open as long as possible to stave of bankruptcy.

It's too far for me to justify driving to while working from home (it's next to my work) so I'm just resigning myself to getting weak for a while
I'm just resigning myself to getting weak for a while
Yup, going to cut during this and I'm only 2kg over the weight I'd normally cut to for a holiday/festival, I'd been planning to do a mini bulk after the rugby season ended. I'll probably hit the lowest weight and bf% of my adult life, but I'll be a small, small, little man.
Yup, going to cut during this and I'm only 2kg over the weight I'd normally cut to for a holiday/festival, I'd been planning to do a mini bulk after the rugby season ended. I'll probably hit the lowest weight and bf% of my adult life, but I'll be a small, small, little man.
Kinda in the same boat - I was planning on cutting down a bit, and when I was in Japan I've lost about 6lbs from the insane amounts of walking I did (though some of that is likely muscle mass) so I'm just gonna roll with it, and then try and (clean-ish) bulk when all this has blown over.

Been meaning to get back into running again, so this is a good excuse I guess