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[COVID-19] - Things to do when under lockdown

To be honest I achieved very little in either lockdown. Managed to read a lot during the first one but that fell off when socializing became an option again over the summer and I haven't managed to start up properly again bar the odd 20 pages here and there now that we're back in lockdown.
My fundamentals are reasonably sound (he says with a lot of false confidence), I did C# in college and use php on the daily

The real reason I'm interested in mainly just for dicking around rather than using it in any sort of professional setting - automation/raspberry Pi/dumb little projects kinda stuff
Read/listened to a lot of stoic philosophy and now the history of Rome too.
Oh..envy. The only one thing related to philosophy I did this year: I've visited Immanuel Kant's grave today. :D I'm currently in Russian Kaliningrad for a couple of days and decided to visit its "Königsberg places",so Kant's grave was on my list.
Why do you read it? Just for.. pleasure?:rolleyes:

I wouldn't,
I went pretty hardcore into trying to get the basics before I went there in March, since then I've just been doing the bare minimum so the app will stop sending me notifications to do my daily practise
Well,it's difficult to learn a foreign language if you don't work in it/don't live in this foreign country tbh. I was learning a couple of languages that I completely forgot because never used them after. Although, have never learned Polish but speak it fluently now after living for 4 years in Poland and talking to my colleagues in Polish..so if you really want to learn it, it's better to move to Japan I think
Oh..envy. The only one thing related to philosophy I did this year: I've visited Immanuel Kant's grave today. :D I'm currently in Russian Kaliningrad for a couple of days and decided to visit its "Königsberg places",so Kant's grave was on my list.
Why do you read it? Just for.. pleasure?:rolleyes:
I definitely enjoy it, I wouldn't say pleasure though, I find it very helpful for my mental health, motivation etc... So there's definitely a self improvement aspect to it and I take a lot of quotes down.
I definitely enjoy it, I wouldn't say pleasure though, I find it very helpful for my mental health, motivation etc... So there's definitely a self improvement aspect to it and I take a lot of quotes down.
Would you recommend something to read? For mental health and motivation, I mean
Maybe a tad of positivity UK vaccine rate now above positive tests.
Yes we're been **** at most things covid wise, but we seem to be nailing vaccination.
Hard to praise here a positive for some.
Yep, I'm full of praise for the vaccination effort.
I have the odd disagreement on strategy, but even there I understand the rationale. Generally though, it's rolling out very successfully
One night in Miami.

I liked it, not exactly a masterpiece by any means but a very interesting portrayal of Ali, Cook, Brown and Malcolm X. Will probably watch again and enjoy it a bit more after doing a bit of reading on the Nation of Islam, the film was difficult enough to understand without a reasonably comprehensive knowledge of the group.

"we were bored and wanted to have fun".
"It was only supposed to be a small gathering."
"how can you expect a 20 year old girl to afford to pay £10,000 For this ?"

The yoof today. :rolleyes:
Suspect the youth of yesterday would of done exactly the same thing. I always remember The Who's My Generation was written in the mid 60's
Suspect the youth of yesterday would of done exactly the same thing. I always remember The Who's My Generation was written in the mid 60's
Yeh but it's our prerogative now we are older and wiser to tut at the youth today. i am being facetious BTW. :p
all right, not so much something to do during lockdown...but something not to do inspired by being lockdown for so long

joined the local club preseason training a few weeks ago, during lockdown I got pretty lonely and thought it would have been good to have a few more local mates to catch up with even if at distance

last time I played for a club was uni 21 years ago and I turned 40 the other week, really did forget how much of a step up it is going from casual/social sport to proper club with 20 years olds hoping to go profressional

**** im sore

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