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For Sale: ..::ERIC::..

Originally posted by Ripper@Feb 17 2006, 06:21 PM
Maybe if you asked that in the first place instead of just posting some **** full of pointless swearing and telling everyone to "f*** a blanket" or some crap like that (it was so poorly written I first thought it was typed by a blindfolded monkey smashing the keys with his paws)
YOU EAT BULLSHIT FOR BREAKFAST!!!...meaning your a liar

"f*** a blanket"!?!?!?!?! wtf!?!? when did i say that?....i said why dont we whip eachother with towels...i said that cos after this post from you..

  I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, you cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass![/b]

i thought this thread was going off topic...so once you deleted my post i asked..."why was it deleted and not yours?" no explanation...and it was deleted...

so i went off! and in the same post i went on topic and asked "ERIC HOW MUCH?".


Originally posted by kinkon89+Feb 17 2006, 09:27 PM-->
@Feb 17 2006, 06:21 PM
Maybe if you asked that in the first place instead of just posting some **** full of pointless swearing and telling everyone to "f*** a blanket" or some crap like that (it was so poorly written I first thought it was typed by a blindfolded monkey smashing the keys with his paws)
YOU EAT BULLSHIT FOR BREAKFAST!!!...meaning your a liar

"f*** a blanket"!?!?!?!?! wtf!?!? when did i say that?....i said why dont we whip eachother with towels...i said that cos after this post from you..

  I am a servant of the Secret Fire, Wielder of the Flame of Anor, you cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun! Go back to the Shadow. You cannot pass![/b]

i thought this thread was going off topic...so once you deleted my post i asked..."why was it deleted and not yours?" no explanation...and it was deleted...

so i went off! and in the same post i went on topic and asked "ERIC HOW MUCH?".


I wish I had a mind like yours, life would be so simple and easy.

I deleted the 1st post because it was retarded, theres a difference between Off Topic posting and just plain spam. Your "post" fell into the "Spam" Catergory.

I deleted the 2nd post because it was just you swearing for a paragraph.

Ditto with the 3rd.
is "go suck a dick ya **** mod!!" a paragraph?

thats all i wrote...then i went on topic..
You know it will be deleted anyway, as alias's aren't allowed unless Kinkon is removed I guess.
If that was the case Mrs Air Ben would have been deleted a long time ago.[/b]

Do I detect a slight hint of jealousy?

If you think I am just messing around then check the IP address.
Originally posted by Air Ben@Feb 18 2006, 11:21 AM
You know it will be deleted anyway, as alias's aren't allowed unless Kinkon is removed I guess.
How is this not an alias at the moment?
Originally posted by Air Ben@Feb 18 2006, 11:28 AM
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE
If that was the case Mrs Air Ben would have been deleted a long time ago.

Do I detect a slight hint of jealousy?

If you think I am just messing around then check the IP address. [/b][/quote]
*Slowly begins reeling in the Fishing Rod*

Not that hard to just use a different computer or a different internet connection.
Now now, back on off topic. Who wants my username? Running out of time. Would like to leave it in good hands.
So, ERIC....are you leaving the forum?

Taking a new username?

Why not just change it if your unhappy with it...
I'd like to apologise for my behaviour. Admins, check the logs. Ripper hacked my account.

Serious. I could never place negative rep for Air Ben. He's the new flavour.
It's true, I am a hax0r. I hacked into Eric's system and changed the password using his IP address, then faked an MSN conversation so it would log Eric telling me his password.