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France fined $15,000 for haka advance


Academy Player
May 22, 2004
What do you think? I thought it was a great way to make a statement. From a fan point of view it added to the excitement and build up of the match when just watching the haka on its own was starting to become boring. In my opinion the IRB treat the haka like its some endangered species. If the All Blacks are allowed to get that 'edge' from performing it, teams should be able to face it however they want.
What do you think? I thought it was a great way to make a statement. From a fan point of view it added to the excitement and build up of the match when just watching the haka on its own was starting to become boring. In my opinion the IRB treat the haka like its some endangered species. If the All Blacks are allowed to get that 'edge' from performing it, teams should be able to face it however they want.

I agree and Kiwi's love it when people come up and face us, it's great!.
What do you think? I thought it was a great way to make a statement. From a fan point of view it added to the excitement and build up of the match when just watching the haka on its own was starting to become boring. In my opinion the IRB treat the haka like its some endangered species. If the All Blacks are allowed to get that 'edge' from performing it, teams should be able to face it however they want.

I think it is another IRB ruling that should be tossed out along with the IRB itself, I disagree that teams should be able to face it any way they want as I do not believe they should be allowed to disrupt it but anything else is fine.
This is the most pathetic decision the IRB has made in years. Unbelievable. It's amazing when teams challenge the Haka, as long as it doesn't turn into a fight.
It's a stupid rule, but it's been in place for a while so this shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone
France will have known it, and not cared about paying the fine they knew they'd get
I think that's absolute bullshit. Sorry to be so blunt, but let's be serious, who didn't get excited for the match even more once the French started to approach? It isn't as if the French did it to disrespect them. The IRB have no idea how to handle anything anymore it seems.
I think the law is wrong, the decision is right - France did break the rules, they did know the laws (I assume), so they can only blame themselves.

That isn't to say that teams shouldn't be allowed to cross halfway (or whatever), but you should argue with the IRB about it, not just ignore it.
Yeah, next they'll be fining the All Blacks for having the Powerade label shown in their locker room pre-match.
This was just posted on Rugbydump so perhaps it is not as clear as I thought:

France have NOT been fined by the IRB for overstepping the mark in their Haka response. Not yet anyway. Twitter and various news websites published stories today that said they were fined, but at this stage it is unclear if they will or will not be.

They overstepped the halfway line, which they were not allowed to do, however the All Blacks also stepped over their own 10m line, which is against the regulations. Both sides would therefore need to be fined, so it will probably be cancelled out.

"It was not an aggressive response. It was just the positioning on the field. Sure, they passed the line of 50m but we need to discuss about that and what processes there are to go forward with this response," said IRB chairman Bernard Lapasset.
Christ! What a ridiculous rule. It's put in place because it's considered "disrespectful". It could be considered pretty disrespectful of the All Blacks to perform a tribal song and dance that contains death threats. They are literally threatening their opponents with death. Teams should be allowed respond to that anyway they please short of violence.
When France did this, I did mention that they'd get fined. If they definitely do it is a disgrace; fined for walking closer to the opposition.
Christ! What a ridiculous rule. It's put in place because it's considered "disrespectful". It could be considered pretty disrespectful of the All Blacks to perform a tribal song and dance that contains death threats. They are literally threatening their opponents with death. Teams should be allowed respond to that anyway they please short of violence.

It was put in place because the haka can and does lead to fights when sides get too close. A fine seems silly but the rule isnt about disrespect..
There is also no hint of death threats in the words, let alone a literal threat. The only thing that could be construed as violent is the throat slit gesture which was originally intended to symbolise the opening of the air way for the breath of life.

Anyway, it makes things a bit ironic when people grasp at straws in that the haka is violent, but has anyone taken a look at the translation of the french anthem haha?

I just thoght i would drop this in, I hope it shows that that vast majority of kiwis love a good counter challenge

It is not the NZRU or the kiwi public, it is the IRB

Christ! What a ridiculous rule. It's put in place because it's considered "disrespectful". It could be considered pretty disrespectful of the All Blacks to perform a tribal song and dance that contains death threats. They are literally threatening their opponents with death. Teams should be allowed respond to that anyway they please short of violence.

get ya hand off it, there are no threats in the haka..or in any haka i have done or seen

This is how people get the wrong end of the stick:rolleyes:
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Um.. Where is the link to prove the French have been fined?
Wally corrects the idea by saying that it hasn't happened yet but is being talked about

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