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Manhunt 2


St Helens RLFC

Is suspposedly in the pipeline. On the Wii as well! The press are going to have a field day!
Meh. Manhunt sucked. That's what the media should have really done, accousting the developers for making such a crap game.
hmm could be interesting especailly on the wii where the games selection is a bit lacking.
I'd love to see the TV ad for this game if it appear on the Wii.

"Use your Wiimote to kill an enemy how you want, be it suffocation, strangulation, or beating them to death with a baseball bat". Playing on game on a Wii is simulating the actions for a particular game. For Manhunt 2 you would be simulating the actions to killing people, It'll be just like giving someone a gun & let him run around & kill people. If they decide to release Manhunt 2 on the Wii, I'd think it will be the most controversial game ever.
Tell me this though, how would the WiiMote (or whatever it's called) know whether the player is trying to stab someone in a shower or have a ****?!?!

I'll get my coat.
or jacking someone off!!!

its no longer be called manhunt its now Manwhore....
Haha! But why would rockstar want to devote time to a game that is restricted sales base because of the bands and then the game wasnt that good to start with neway so I just dont see this being a big seller. Maybe just a marketing ploy to get the Rockstar name being talked about again like they love?

They should concentrate more on GTA4, which lets face it, is the game that puts the money in their bank. Not manhunt, not table tennis and not bully. GTA!
who knows it may sell well where it is released and maybe there is a gap in the market for it. more likely though it keeps the rockstar name out there and gets them onto a new console the wii and people will remember their name for future release on the console.
at the end of the day, we can buy the euro version

it wont be banned on a format base - only country based

aussie/nz can buy euro pal games

and prolly cheaper too.....we cop high taxes on the final RRP in aussie

where there is a will there is a way - water off a ducks back