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Rugby 08 Roster update

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I have another thought about what might be causing this.
I've noticed that a lot of the team strings that were corrupted before Woosah fixed the editor are still damaged. This affects home stadium and set plays on the surface but it's possible that the extra bytes that have been written are causing problems with the game reading textures from the correct location.
I've just tried a fresh install of the game with no patches installed and in a France/Hurricanes game using MUP about 7 or 8 players had the texture problem. When starting the game though I noticed that Hurricanes home stadium was Stadium Australia and set plays were messed up.
I'll look at fixing the strings of teams that aren't working and if that works I can write a program that will fix corrupted team strings.
Ok, the above needs fixing but it isn't causing the error.
I think the problem is that the player editor isn't editing the correct bytes. It's editing 93 as the created player byte and it should be editing 94.
I'm going to go back to basic byte cracking to figure this out.
Eureka. I've got it!
Sorry Woosaah but it is indeed your editor causing the problem...
The editor has been editing byte 93 not 94 for wrist tape, skin etc. This is causing the texture errors. Setting byte 93 to 0 resolves them. Incidentally for anyone using the created player editor I made, if you want to edit a non-created player in the created players window you'll need to set their face to 0 or the created player window will crash.
The fact I can't edit posts after 10 mins is really annoying...
Byte 93 relates to hair. Some big files for example 951488b041b819b870838287701b1876.big and cf92896bbed502a8c9ffc1d7b28bf59e.big have a hair texture included with the face texture in the file. Players that use these faces have something in byte 93 so for example everyone who uses 951488b041b819b870838287701b1876.big (face id: 41045 - 55 A0) has 20 directly after effectively making it a 3 byte string - 55 A0 20.
The player who has cf92896bbed502a8c9ffc1d7b28bf59e.big (32662 - 96 7F) has 87 directly after (96 7F 87). Being a unique face that only occurs once.
In order to sort the problem then we need to identify all the faces that have extra hair attached with them and make sure that byte 93 is correct. This is complicated by the fact that the editor is editing byte 93 instead of 94 for wrist tape and created player and thus corrupting the byte for most the edited players.
It's a bit of a mess tbh and I can't see any easy solution.
Woah, 5 posts in a row...
I've managed to add the filesizes into the faces.xml file. This will help people know which faces to give to players (hopefully Woosaah can add the info into the editor). The extra field is whether I think a face has extra hair textures and is based on compressed file size. If there is a texture error then either edit byte 93 or assign a face which does/doesn't have extra textures in.

File is here.

I've also got the cracked info on byte 94 here:

created player - byte 94 [yes/no]
wrist tape - byte 94 [none/left/right/both]
skin tone - byte 94 [light/light medium/dark medium/dark]
skin l - 00000000
skin lm - 00000001
skin dm - 00000010
skin d - 00000000
WT none - 00000000
WT left - 00100000
WT right - 01000000
WT both - 01100000
CP yes - 00010000[/b]
Sorry to disturb again...but i'm a bit slow on that. Can someone made a sort of step by step guide on how to play with created players?
Ok, there are three issues here!

1. Some teams strings are still corrupted causing the game to crash.

2. Player Editor is editing the wrong byte for the real face and wrist tape byte. This is causing created players to crash the game.

3. Players with extra face textures have been assigned faces without them and vice versa. This is causing missing texture errors.

I haven't actually looked at any rosters with the created player crashing bug but from what Ross tells me it is sorted by changing byte 94 (rather than 93) using the editor I wrote. I will expand this editor to allow texture conflicts to be resolved too thus solving problems 2 and 3.
I have just released a 6 nations update. I had some missing textures today for the 1st time, but it was fixed when i re-adjusted my settings. I adjusted them and it affected any players with headgear and also hair texture.

The only thing i have not done is give anyone wrist tape. If this makes this problem go away, i have no concerns about losing the tape. Head tape though, works fine?

kingwilko, try the roster i have just released on the MUP thread and see what happens.. if you get the same problem.

I have had NO crashes, just an odd problem with set plays not doing anything.. which i appear to have fixed in the game.
Just a progress report on my roster

Super 14 - done
6 Nations - done
Guinness Premiership(English teams) - done
Welsh teams - done
Scotish teams - done
Irish teams - done

Still to do:
French teams
Itailian teams
International teams up till RWC 2007

So expect a complete update round about the weekend

Just a progress report on my roster

Super 14 - done
6 Nations - done
Guinness Premiership(English teams) - done
Welsh teams - done
Scotish teams - done
Irish teams - done

Still to do:
French teams
Itailian teams
International teams up till RWC 2007

So expect a complete update round about the weekend

Ross [/b]

Have you fixed the existing face errors? I went through and fixed about 20 S14 ones on my tmt but the actual .ros file needs sorting.
Another progress report on my roster

International teams up till RWC 2007 are now done,still struggeling with the Italian and French teams.This is gonna take longer then I expected and I'll probably only be done next week.
Sorry for the delay!


Looks like I have reached the max number of players that I can create?

Kingwilko or anyone else who knows if the max amount of created players can be changed?Im 95% done with my roster and don't want this to stop me :%#%#: :wall: :ranting: :rahh:

Rugby French TEAM (RFT) is happy to announce to you the exit of the "PATCH TOP 14".

Detail of the patch:
  • Creation of new a roster with 236 new players.


  • Rugbyfrench is this 236 players newly created players or just edited?

Simple :)
Uncheck the created player box using the face editor and you can make as many as you like.
Simple :)
Uncheck the created player box using the face editor and you can make as many as you like.

That is the thing,I did do that but still the game gives me that warning! :blink:

I see when you create a new player in the game it gives him a number with a minus(-) in front like -25374.Is there a way to change it with hex editing to remove the minus sign so that the game doens't read the player as a created player?


I see when you create a new player in the game it gives him a number with a minus(-) in front like -25374.Is there a way to change it with hex editing to remove the minus sign so that the game doens't read the player as a created player?

Ross [/b]

Send me your roster and I will take a look. colin @ planetcricket.net (no spaces).
@Kingwilko I sent you my roster,did you get it and taken a look yet?

Yes, I have it but might not get a chance to look at it until Friday.
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