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Who decided the Maroons should be called Cane Toads


Academy Player
Jun 15, 2012
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I reckon there should be a better nickname for the QLD Maroons than Cane Toads
I reckon there should be a better nickname for the QLD Maroons than Cane Toads

It was a Sydney Advertising Consultant that came up with the "Cane Toads" nickname, after a Queeensland Advertising Consultant came up with the nickname "Cockroaches" for NSW.

We used to call the Queenslanders "The Banana Benders"
It was a Sydney Advertising Consultant that came up with the "Cane Toads" nickname, after a Queeensland Advertising Consultant came up with the nickname "Cockroaches" for NSW.

We used to call the Queenslanders "The Banana Benders"

Goodonya ,Thanks for that info.

I'm ****** off that in most instances in regard to team nicknames they have nothing to do with Australian native animals or icons.
In the NRL for instance we've only got
Sharks,,,,,,,,,,, Sea Eagles,,,,,,,,,,,,Eels
And even these are what could only be described as a generic species of animal,.,they aint exactly Aussie only.
I won't go into a long list of other sport team names that aint got an Aussie name. The list is huge
It just shits me off that we've ended up with stuff like saints and tigers or panthers ,., or plague pests names,.,ie rabbitohs and cane toads.
And roosters!!!!!! Crikey
I'm not gunna do the whole NRL list,.,but it's a pitiful load of unimaginative crap
Why not have some Funnel Webs, Red-bellies. I'd be stoked to be struggling bottom table dwelling Bilby, keeping the dream alive.

PS The Aussie Cricket team has missed out on a nickname,.,lucky them
Has any one got a moniker for them.

Back in the day we could've called them the Groggeroos but the political correctness wowsers would stomp on that.
Well, the Eels are called the Eels because Parramatta means "place where the eels lie" in the local Aboriginal language. The Dragons are the Dragons because of the legend of St. George the Dragonslayer - the team was known as the Dragon Slayers early on. There are some pretty weak nicknames out there though. But don't lump the Panthers in there - that part of Sydney has dozens of reported panther sightings. ;)
G'day Skittles
How many people would relate to the Footy Eels name as having anything to do with Aboriginal history. In all seriousness,.,very very few.

Regarding St George.
That name revolves around a load of medieval mythological fairytales that has diddly squat to do with football.
Why the farkin heck was an Aussie football club given a moniker relating to some daft made up tale about a never existed animal being slaughtered by a made up man.
Did godgobbering Poms have something to do with forming the club.
I'm not gunna bother getting into huge debate about the bloke and killing the dragon.
I just carnt stand our sport teams nicknames.

Why did Brisbane also go for an introduced pest animal. And The Brisbane Broncos aint even in the bush where these pests are runnung amok and destroying Australias fast disappearing native vegetation.
Tis too bloody stoopid for words.
And look out for Panthers
Them bloody panthers are a menace round here.
Killed 3 of them last Satdee night with me bare hands, knife n a fork.
I'm on me verandah having dinner. 2 Possums with a joey are running around me legs.
A huge male Panther and 2 smaller females made a lightning attack at the possums.The Possums scarpered up the verandah posts.
I jumped on the big male *******, grabbing me steak knife as we spilled to the floor.
I stuck the knife through his ear into his brain. Killed it instantly.
His *****es then attacked me. I knelt on one and cracked its ribs through its heart. Instant death.
It's mate was trying to get at the back of me neck. I'd lost the knife but somehow found the fork and got a lucky poke over the top of me head into the cats eye.
The Panther momentarily lost interest, so I quickly turned and stabbed the fork deep into it's right eye to kill it.
Crikey !

The possums, they just sat there waiting for some fruit.

I've only concentrated on our own NRL but this is a worldwide fingo........
.........Almost as embarrassed as when I saw the ads for that ****ing tv show called "The Shire".
.........Almost as embarrassed as when I saw the ads for that ****ing tv show called "The Shire".

G'day melon:D Yerv got me stumped son. I'm fairdinkum shattered. I aint got the fuggin foggiest what ya mean.
But I'm old enuff and ugly enuff to cop it on the chin. I'm putting me hand up for help.
Put me out of me tortured misery. I've been writhing around in fukken agony not knowing.
What the fukk is the gist of your reply.
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"Rabbitohs" doesn't refer directly to rabbits.

A "rabbitoh" is an old nickname that refers to a person who traps and skins rabbits, selling them on the streets of Redfern, Sydney in late 1800s. Its how players made a bit of money on the side before The Great Schism of 1907 ; Australia's equivalent of the 1895 schism in England that created the Northern Rugby Union that eventually led to the creation of what we now call Rugby League.
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"Rabbitohs" doesn't refer directly to rabbits.

A "rabbitoh" is an old nickname that refers to a person who traps and skins rabbits, selling them on the streets of Redfern, Sydney in late 1800s. Its how players made a bit of money on the side before The Great Schism of 1907 ; Australia's equivalent of the 1895 schism in England that created the Northern Rugby Union that eventually led to the creation of what we now call Rugby League.

Ayeup:D,.,seems like an early rising smartcooky has been googling. Goodonya mate. Thanks for trying to enlighten me about our rabbit blight.
I'm not gunna get too far into the Rabbitohs naming history, but rabbits are the main part of their club identity. I doubt if many people ever talk or even know about the rabbit catching fingo.
Troofbeknown ol son I did know a bit about the "Rabbitoh" fellas. One of my pet hates is the terrible scourge of introduced pests that has devastated this joint since a pommie bloke named Cook holidayed here way back with a bunch of his mates.

I did mention another pest,.,the (Bronco's) brumbies have devastated the the highland areas of NSW along with the cattle.

PS,.,Have ya been up all night thinking about the whacking my Broncos are gunna give the Warriors tonight in Brizzie.
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