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BLM and South African Players

Don't try and change my words, I'm purely speaking about the rugby players and specifically the Sale Sharks team.

I know people supporting BLM gets death threats, I'm not denying that in any way, or condoning it. We are talking here about the Rugby players, not the other public people.
I'll place a bet some of the rugby players did especially if they posted thier support on twitter/instagram.
I'll place a bet some of the rugby players did especially if they posted thier support on twitter/instagram.

If that is the case, then I humbly apologise, we haven't seen it here in SA, but the article about Courtney Lawes has been doing the rounds where he specifically points out that the Sale guys got death threats.
In SA the main issue is violence against WOMEN and CHILDREN. And that not just domestic violence. Now I do not want to detract from farm murders (murders is actually a light term here, its more torture) or gang violence or all our other violent crimes but I live next door to a social worker and she paints a very dark picture WRT woman and child abuse.
Just an update on this topic:

The Sports Minister said on Friday in Parliament, that he won't be taking action against the players. But he felt it was his duty to call on SARU to investigate the matter. Whether SARU will do anything about this is up to them...
Just an update on this topic:

The Sports Minister said on Friday in Parliament, that he won't be taking action against the players. But he felt it was his duty to call on SARU to investigate the matter. Whether SARU will do anything about this is up to them...
Yeah its a non-issue IMO. The minister had nothing to lose calling those player out at least to point of asking for clarity but potentially as a public figure something to lose not doing so.
Yeah its a non-issue IMO. The minister had nothing to lose calling those player out at least to point of asking for clarity but potentially as a public figure something to lose not doing so.

I think the backlash was more than he bargained for. And in hindsight shouldn't have voiced his concern in the first place.

Plus, I think he has a bigger problem to deal with in regard to the CSA debacle, especially since the Institute of Race Relations wrote a letter to the ICC.
Im still scratching my head about this.So "rugby against racism"?Who is this "racism people"?Can someone indicate me that person or that institution with facts that they are racist ,if not is just a witch hunt!And if you say "that racism exist" its not the ultimate argument!How can we fight against racism?with some letters on our shirts?whith kneeiling ?I see that the trending is to ashame and ostricize everyone who dont whant to play with the moovement . If they want to battle racism ,they have to do that with a process,facts (who,when ,where?) not this circus.Way too much politic in sport.
So if i read this correct that "blm" its not the same with "BLM"????(who is a marxist group in Usa-The voyce and co-founder being Patrisse Cullors who is "trained organizers in marxism"and this is from the horse mouth ).
'Marxist', "trained organizers in marxism"

I somehow don't think you've actually read, studied any marxism as usually when people use it derogatory terms they rarely do. You probably think its interchangeable with liberal as well. I'm not a Marxist but the idea he didn't have some good thoughts that aren't worth pursuing/discussing is a little naive. Afterall only a complete nut doesn't think socialised medicine is a good ideal, state run schools etc. even the idea of state run police (defund the police is about where the money is being spent rather than no police, which is Anarchy not Marxism).
Have you read what i wrote or just taken out of context!and its not my own ,i just quote !From the hole text you just pick one line (her quote).Your point is 1-i dint read ,study any marxism. 2- some of the Karl Marx thougts were good.(yes they where and i will never say that you are a marxist).My country was in comunism till '89.
Marxism is comunism not ackording to me!