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Guitar Hero > Rock Band

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (RC @ Nov 21 2008, 07:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Charles @ Nov 21 2008, 05:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
***anic made the most entries in the world and it is by no means the best film ever.[/b]

But as far as you're conncerned because it's had the most "entries" in the world ever it's also overhyped and utter shite, right? You know, because it uses a very popular, yet simple and successful formula: Boy meets girl, both fall in love, some hardship forces them apart, but they overcome it and stay together.
Just because it's mainstream doesn't mean it's **** (referring to all forms of entertainment.)

I maintain your whole argument is laughable.
I say Beatles are one of the greatest bands of all time, their hype is justified by their record breaking sales.
You say Beatles are overrated and shite just because you prefer the way other musicians play their music.

You need to get off your high horse. Your elitist attitude makes you come across as a fool.

Mainstream doesn't mean ****, it does however equals average. Not great.

What's wrong with an elitist attitude ? I come across as a fool so I should stop having personal taste and accept the mainstream music as the best ? No thank you, I prefer to use my critical sense and make my own opinion.

To put it simply, I don't think a band playing pop/rock music can be labelled as the best band in the world, regardless their sales amount (which has nothing to do with artistic quality, I can't stress that enough).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Charles @ Nov 22 2008, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Mainstream doesn't mean ****, it does however equals average. Not great.

What's wrong with an elitist attitude ? I come across as a fool so I should stop having personal taste and accept the mainstream music as the best ? No thank you, I prefer to use my critical sense and make my own opinion.

To put it simply, I don't think a band playing pop/rock music can be labelled as the best band in the world, regardless their sales amount (which has nothing to do with artistic quality, I can't stress that enough).[/b]

Now that's a post i can respect.
I accept your opinions even if i do disagree with them wholeheartedly.
But the problem with an elitist attitude is that you've no justification for being an elitist. You are in no way elite.
Academic? Maybe.
But elite? Certainly not. That's why you come across as a fool for thinking too highly of yourself.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Gay-Guy @ Nov 21 2008, 07:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
I might have to side with RC on this one...because....

Music of the past can be copied by other musicians and therefore improved on....the real mark of genius is to be able to stand out in your own generation. For instance....heaps of guitarists today can play Jimmi Hendrix solos and then some. However he was the only one doing them in his time. Can these "imitators" create something totally out there that stands out in our generation where every other guitarist will not have a chance to even get close to playing it? Any musician can tell you that the musicians of the past can be copied easily today.

The Beatles music is easy to play for bands today. Their songs can be redone by other artists where it sounds better. Songs that are similar to their songs have been created using osme of their riffs and melodies. However it was the Beatles alone who created their music during that time...no one else had thought of it. They were pioneers of their generation...just like how every generation has pioneers in music. Elvis was a pioneer in his generation, Michael Jackson had the world in his time, etc etc....all these musicians from the past can now be laughed at and their music seems simplistic compared to todays standards. However because they were pioneers with what they did they were leading at the forefront because they had no one in front to follow....it was all new.

This is why the Beatles are great. I do not listen at all to their work...I can't stand it as a modern day musician....but I am not naive to acknowledge that I probably would have been worshipping their musical greatness if I was born in that era with no knowledge of who Elvis, Jackson, Madonna, or any number of the musicians we have today.[/b]

That can be argued for any band in the 60's. Every Rock and Roll band from during that era in the States and Britain transformed Blues into rock. Without people like Chuck Berry, BB King, Albert King, Robert Johnson etc... even The Beatles wouldn't exist. A WHOLE lot of other bands (not just The Beatles) took a page out of the American Blues and transformed it. The Beatles just happened to be the first real group to do this. That I can respect, but by saying that they are the greatest just 'cos of the amount of hits they made is quite stupid. As Charles said, The ***anic scored massive at the box office, but none of you would say it is a better movie than The Godfather (I hope).

Basically, if anyone is to look at and be singled out as the "starter" of all this great music, it has to go to the Blues legends of the 1920's. The Beatles wouldn't have existed without it. This is why I never see them as superior to bands such as Cream, The Yardbirds, PF etc... They are all pioneers, The Beatles with their pop, Cream and The Yardbirds with their Blues Rock and PF with psychedelic/progressive rock. All of these bands from the 60's/70's made massive inroads into what music is today, which is well, somewhat of a disappointing result if you compare the two generations.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (RC @ Nov 22 2008, 02:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Charles @ Nov 22 2008, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Mainstream doesn't mean ****, it does however equals average. Not great.

What's wrong with an elitist attitude ? I come across as a fool so I should stop having personal taste and accept the mainstream music as the best ? No thank you, I prefer to use my critical sense and make my own opinion.

To put it simply, I don't think a band playing pop/rock music can be labelled as the best band in the world, regardless their sales amount (which has nothing to do with artistic quality, I can't stress that enough).[/b]

Now that's a post i can respect.
I accept your opinions even if i do disagree with them wholeheartedly.
But the problem with an elitist attitude is that you've no justification for being an elitist. You are in no way elite.
Academic? Maybe.
But elite? Certainly not. That's why you come across as a fool for thinking too highly of yourself.


Okay...You said I was elitist,and now you say I'm not...where are you going with that ?

I don't think too highly of myself...The Beatles bore me. Do I need a justification for that ? Is having a proper opinion thinking too highly of myself ? Well if that is I'm afraid you'll have to cope with that...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Charles @ Nov 22 2008, 12:00 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Mainstream doesn't mean ****, it does however equals average. Not great.[/b]

Don't understand this statement.

Does that mean, because bands like Queen, Rolling Stones, Sex Pistole etc. got no.1 singles, meaning they became mainstream means their avarage at best?

I can understand why you dislike mainstream music, I dislike the majority of it. But not all mainstream (pop....ular) is rubbish, and thinking in a way that just because they are popular = avarge is a bit..... well stupid.

I'v known people who will drop a band they rave about when said band becomes popular, just because they don't like it when they aren't original and unique, and that attitude is worse than the people who follow top 40, now41 cd's etc.

I understand if you don't like certain bands, I dislike many bands others would rave about (never been a fan of the sex pistols for instance), but I always apreciate good music when I hear it, and no good music isn't jaw dropping solo's etc. Good music can be as little as a great melody (no matter how simple it is), good music is something which sounds good to numerous people. How can you say the Beatles are cr*p when millions of people, over numerous generations think otherwise?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Charles @ Nov 22 2008, 03:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Okay...You said I was elitist,and now you say I'm not...where are you going with that ?[/b]

If you read what i said, i accused you of having an elitist attitude. Not the same as being an elitist, is it?
So when i said your elitist attitude was unjustified i know i am correct...because you're not elite!

Maybe that's something you'll have to cope with...
I'm loving this: The world's biggest guitar hero nerd!

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/-XjaImfQK6U&hl=de&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/-XjaImfQK6U&hl=de&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Yeah he is pretty amazing on the guitar, as for Radman...

..You play RB2 on XBL?

I will give you a game.

I bought it couple of weeks ago and it rocks my socks, transferred all the previous songs aswell all the RB2 and downloads so all in all atm I have somewhere between 250 and 300 songs to choose from at the moment.

The online band world tour is so much better than the offline only version in the first ***le, and the battle of the bands along with the challenges make this a very tastey experience.

Anyone interested in starting a band online then let us know, I obviousley a guitarist so all I need is a decent drummer, bassist and vocalist.
I feel like putting my two cents worth on the good/great music thing.

Personally my music taste is ****. I know its ****. Its all the pop songs that go around and are catchy and stuff. In fact i am embarressed a bit to even tell everyone what music i like just because i know i get flak from it. Just cause the music i like is crap doesnt mean someone doesnt like it. It might not have great riffs or awesome harmonies, but its easy to listen to, catchy lirics that i like to sing to (or try to sing to) or has a bit of eye candy singing that i like to watch lol. All this shouldnt make my taste in music crap, this should make my taste in music, well my taste in music. Everyone is different if we all had the same taste it would be boring.

you may dislike something but just cause you dont like it doesnt mean you should put it down and put others down straight away. I dont like anything metal of any kind, and some rock i dont even like. But just cause I dont like it i dont put anyone down by saying "Metalica sucks, listen to something else blah blah blah"

I understand people have different views, and i am happy with that.

ps the music i like to listen to are avril lavigne, robbie williams, the corrs and alot of new zealand music. I know its sad, but you cant help like what you like, and you cant help what other people like either.
Don't worry bro, I used to like Britney Spears back when she first started...but who didn't aye;).

I love my Kiwi music as well espescially Dave Dobbyn, Herbs, Shihad and some of the Scribe stuff.

We don't realise how good we've got it here as far as musical talent goes but we're force fed all this hip hop, pop crap from overseas which drowns our market and the real music doesn't get a look in.

Just wanna give a plug to Alter Bridge, my fave rock group. Check them out they're great.

Back on topic; Goth bro, I got it on PS3 and am a noob trying to get my co-ordination going with the drums, the only reason I bought it is 'cos I'm sick of guitar and wanted a change but I'm having a blast except I have to buy a pal version game to play DLC.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (woosaah @ Dec 8 2008, 02:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
I feel like putting my two cents worth on the good/great music thing.

Personally my music taste is ****. I know its ****. Its all the pop songs that go around and are catchy and stuff. In fact i am embarressed a bit to even tell everyone what music i like just because i know i get flak from it. Just cause the music i like is crap doesnt mean someone doesnt like it. It might not have great riffs or awesome harmonies, but its easy to listen to, catchy lirics that i like to sing to (or try to sing to) or has a bit of eye candy singing that i like to watch lol. All this shouldnt make my taste in music crap, this should make my taste in music, well my taste in music. Everyone is different if we all had the same taste it would be boring.

you may dislike something but just cause you dont like it doesnt mean you should put it down and put others down straight away. I dont like anything metal of any kind, and some rock i dont even like. But just cause I dont like it i dont put anyone down by saying "Metalica sucks, listen to something else blah blah blah"

I understand people have different views, and i am happy with that.

ps the music i like to listen to are avril lavigne, robbie williams, the corrs and alot of new zealand music. I know its sad, but you cant help like what you like, and you cant help what other people like either.[/b]
I so agree with you....you like what you like and to hell with what other people think.  YOUR EARS are the ones you have to please...other people should just get out of your room/house/car if they don't like your music.

My music taste is so diverse it is really quite difficult to explain in a sentence.
I agree wholeheartedly.
You can never judge a person on their musical tastes. Same goes with films, programmes and pretty much everything that requires a subective opinion.
I despise people who criticises others for what they enjoy. It's always fun to put out banter, we all do it, but to do it in all seriousness is pointless.
You don't go around the street bashing people's choice of partners, do you? You don't walk up to them and say, 'Girl, what ARE you doing with that guy?'
Same goes for everything else: God, food, drink, clothes, entertainment etc. We can feel as close to these things, we can have as great a passion for these things as our chosen loved ones.
Leave them alone.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (RC @ Dec 8 2008, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
I agree wholeheartedly.
You can never judge a person on their musical tastes. Same goes with films, programmes and pretty much everything that requires a subective opinion.
I despise people who criticises others for what they enjoy. It's always fun to put out banter, we all do it, but to do it in all seriousness is pointless.
You don't go around the street bashing people's choice of partners, do you? You don't walk up to them and say, 'Girl, what ARE you doing with that guy?'
Same goes for everything else: God, food, drink, clothes, entertainment etc. We can feel as close to these things, we can have as great a passion for these things as our chosen loved ones.
Leave them alone.[/b]
I agree, apart from chavs. Everything they do/wear/listen to, should be heavily critisized, and laughed at if necessary! :p
Radman, I have friends to play with just wanted to get a TRF band together, thought might be a cool idea plus get the forum around as free advertising.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Teh Mite @ Oct 30 2008, 04:19 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
The Stones >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Beatles

Anyone who says otherwise is a <strike>communist</strike> Dirty Mod[/b]

You calling Mods dirty?

How dare you!!!

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