i don't reckon it's CRAP, it's ok.. attacking is pretty cool, how u can do cut out passes and select which player to pass to so u can put them thru a gap. my only 2 major problems with this game is the defence and the passing to the playmaker.
defence is whack coz if u run towards a player and hold down O to tackle them, sumtimes u run backwards AWAY from the player and they get past u without even stepping or fending!!! that always drives me up the wall.
and the passing to the playmaker hardly works coz u have to time pressing L1 & R1 to perfection or else he'll just pass it to the first receiver. and when they playmaker does catch it he isn't even facing forward when he catches it so u have to turn him around to kick the ball but by then the defence is all up in ur face!!!!
rest of the game is pretty cool tho.. oh yea and the winger seem to run on an angle towards the sideline coz they've blown so many tries for my by running out. you'll draw their man in and then u pop it up for the winger but when he catches the ball he's running towards the sideline and he almost always ends up running out!!! surely sum1 shouldn've noticed that and correct it that if ur a winger and ur on the sideline u don't run towards it, u run straight!!!!!
i'd give the game a 8.5/10 for graphics and 5/10 for gameplay...