St Helens RLFC
Only 44 minutes to go! Get in! IMV this is one of the greatest days in Britain's glorious history.
Yeah, because you drink in an English bar 3 days a week, don't you?? You know exactly the way WE feel about the situation.
You may know about bars in the US (although you're below American drinking age, so that shouldn't be the case), but you know f*** all about the English pub culture. [/b]
Something tells me you miss your friend.
lol [/b]
The Law is intended to cut deaths from second-hand smoke...
So come on people how many people die from second hand smoke in a year...
oh well Doctors estimate second-hand smoke kills more than 600 people a year.
Wow that is Huge amount of people considering the UK Population is 60,776,238.... [/b]
Well Wales have had the ban for a couple of months now & for us non-smokers its great. Many pubs feared that alot of regular (smoking) customers would stop going there, but it hasn't stopped them. Alot of pubs have gained as more non smokers are going there now as they where put off by smokers in the bar.
In our workplace we had a small smoking room (before the ban) & it had no ventilation at all. Over the years it became more & more disgusting with stained yellow walls & blinds in the window. As soon as you opened the door you was greeted with a overwhelming smell of smoke.
Now the smoking room has been locked & a smoking shelter has been placed outside. Alot of smokers are fine by this (as long as it is sunny).
For the first couple of weeks many people in England will be against it, but after a couple of weeks they will acknowledge the ban. [/b]