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Chabal fans can get a grip. put him in league then hel c what a HIT! is. even though he puts players to shame.


"I Like a different sport. Look at the size of my cock!!!!!!!!"
John Sneaton and Jack Bower were Chabals Idea. His ideas hit so hard they came to life. That's why you like them.
Well, personally pretty happy to finally have an end to the Chuck Norrisisms. Because Chuck is gay. And that`s official. Just listen to the theme song of "Walker Texas Ranger"- when you`re in Texas look BEHIND you, `cause THAT`S WHERE THE RANGER`S GONNA BE!
Well, personally pretty happy to finally have an end to the Chuck Norrisisms. Because Chuck is gay. And that`s official. Just listen to the theme song of "Walker Texas Ranger"- when you`re in Texas look BEHIND you, `cause THAT`S WHERE THE RANGER`S GONNA BE! [/b]


Hehehe, I guess you are right.
Just pray Chabal never meets Chuck. Chabal will vindicate his ***le as craziest ******* on earth.
When I have a child, regardless of whether it is a boy or girl, its middle name shall be CHABAL!
I had a dream last night that I was Chabal. I woke up this morning naked in the forest covered in blood with a half eaten deer carcass in front of me. I guess I Chabaled that deer.
Will that picture of O'Chabalain be making an appearance in your signature?

It certainly captures your true spirit.
If I saw Chabal on the street, i'd walk away not because i'd be scared, but because I wouldn't want this fkn hobo asking me for spare change.

Don't they have barbers in France ffs? I swear the French selectors must have ignored their depth and gone to a homeless shelter, seen this abomination of nature and thought "score, his mighty stench will be our strategy to winning the WC"

You'd want to watch out. Chabal is a god, and as a result he could strike you down with lightening. Better yet, he may cook you up and eat you for a snack.
It must be said, he does look like a bit of a beast.

I look forward to seeing him hand out the pain during the WC.

Nothing beats Gregan's nastay spear tackle though
He was obviously depressed about looking like such a fag, so raided a cabinet full of androgenic growth hormones and banned razors and scissors from his life
He was obviously depressed about looking like such a fag, so raided a cabinet full of androgenic growth hormones and banned razors and scissors from his life
I think someone who's display image is of Matt Dunning should not be able to speak of such manly matters :)
Chabal never looked like a fag. If you continue to offend the other secondary god I worship (the primary being the Rugby god), you shall find yourself with a -rep.

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