Originally posted by THE CHIROPRACTOR101@Mar 13 2005, 03:19 PM
rom what u says makes sense having the passes on the face and using the triggers for sprints
yo boomslanz/knowsley could u post up the controls?
r trigger-sprint
pretty pleez
so i could head start on my brother
ill take the controller to bed and close my eyes and dream about playing it Â
man im desperate
Here is a listing I made for a FAQ I'm working on, let me know if it needs additions or tweaks:
A ...................... A button
B ...................... B Buton
X ...................... X Button
Y ...................... Y BUtton
Wt ...................... White button
BL ...................... Black button
L Trigger................. Left Trigger
R Trigger ............... Right Trigger
L Thumb .................. Left Thumbstick
R Thumb .................. Right Thumbstick
B,X ...................... B Button then X button
B+X ...................... Push B and X button at the same time
.:.Offense without ball.:.
L Thumbstick - Move player
L Trigger - Select player closest to the ball
R Trigger - Sprint
A - Dive for ball
Y - Soccer kick when near ball
B - Jump to catch ball
.:.Offense with ball.:.
L Thumbstick - Move player
R Thumbstick - Special moves (see Running w/ ball)
L - Select player closest to the ball
R - Sprint
A - Dive/Score Try/ Hold to Punt
B - Pass right (*)
X - Pass left (*)
B,X - Dummy pass to right side
X,B - Dummy pass to left side
Wt (hold for power) - Up and under kick (direct kick with L Thumb)
Y (hold for power) - Grubber kick (direct with L Thumb)
BL - Attempt Drop goal (Direct with L Thumb)
(*) You can determine what type of pass you want by how long you hold the button. A normal tap will produce a basic pass. Holding the button will produce a skip or long pass. Quickly tapping the button (before the player even catches the ball) will produce a quick pass.
.:.Running with the Ball .:.
All the special moves are controlled with the right thumbstick. For the purpose of this example assume you are on offense running Left to right. All these moves take a bit of time to pull off so do them early.
R Thumb Right (or same direction of movement) - Shoulder Charge
R Thumb Left (or opposite direction of movement) - HandOff/Stiffarm
R Thumb Up (+ perpendicular to movement) - Sidestep Left
R thumb Down (- perpendicular to movement) - Sidestep Right
The diagnals will give a combo of the 2 moves:
North East (UP+Right) - L Sidestep + shoulder charge
South East (Down+Right) - R Sidestep + Shoulder Charge
South West (Down+Left) - R Sidestep + Handoff
North West (UP+Left) - L Sidestep + Handoff
L Thumb - Move Player
L Trigger - Select Closest Player
R Trigger - Sprint
A - Diving Tackle / dive for ball
B - Jump to grab ball
R Thumb - Regular Tackle (Move in direction
of tackle)
A - Bind Player to Ruck/Maul
L Trigger - Pass to Pack on Left side
R Trigger - Pass to Pack on Right side
X - Pass to Backs on Left side
B - Pass to Backs on Right side
BL - Pickup and run Right
Wt - Pickup and run Left
Y - Pickup ball & Kick (direct with
L Thumb)
Click and Hold R Thumb - Hands in the ruck (Prevent other
team from recycling the ball)(*)
(*) Watch out with this move. While effective it's also illegal and
may produce a penalty.
A - Feed ball into scrum
X - Hook ball to your side
L Thumb - Push/Rotate Scrum
L Trigger - Pass to Pack on Left side
R Trigger - Pass to Pack on Right side
X - Pass to Backs on Left side
B - Pass to Backs on Right side
BL - Pickup and run Right
Wt - Pickup and run Left
Y - Pickup ball & Kick (direct with
L Thumb)
Click R Thumb - Collapse Scrum (Results in Penalty)
A - Short Throw
B - Medium throw
Y - Long throw
D Pad Down - Que first Jumper
D Pad Right - Que Middle Jumper
D Pad Up - Que Far Jumper
Basicall it's either A+Down, B+Right or Y+Up. Timing is everythign to winning/stealing lineouts. If you want to start a maul pass to the A reciever. Works well for Lineouts near the goal line.