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Steve Irwin

I dont think it really mattered cos it hit him in his heart, which is the worst possible place, so whether he removed or not, i think any medical attention would of done nothing to save him... it was the worse possible place to be hit
A quote from Wikipedia on stingrays aggression;
Dasyatids (Stingrays) generally do not attack aggressively or even actively defend themselves. When threatened, their primary reaction is to swim away. However, when they are attacked by predators or stepped on, the barbed stinger in their tail is mechanically whipped up. This attack is normally ineffective against their main predator, sharks.[2] Humans are usually stung in the foot; it is also possible, although less likely, to be stung by brushing against the stinger. The stinger may break off, which is non-fatal to the stingray, and will be regrown. Contact with the stinger causes local trauma (from the cut itself), pain and swelling from the venom, and possible infection from parts of the stinger left in the wound. Injuries to humans include, but are not limited to: poisoning, punctures, severed arteries and possible death. Fatal stings, such as that which killed Australian naturalist and television personality Steve Irwin in 2006[3], are extremely rare. As of 1996, worldwide known deaths from stingray barb injuries numbered 17.[4]

Treatment for stings includes application of near-scalding water, which helps ease pain by denaturing the complex venom protein, and antibiotics. Immediate injection of local anaesthetic in and around the wound is very helpful, as is the use of adjunct opiates such as intramuscular pethidine. Local anaesthetic brings almost instant relief for several hours. Other possible pain remedies include papain (papaya extract, contained in unseasoned powdered meat tenderizer), which may break down the protein of the toxins, although this may be more appropriate for jellyfish and similar stings. Folklore incorrectly holds that one should urinate on the stung area; in actuality, urine and vinegar are not effective treatments.[5] Pain normally lasts up to 48 hours, but is most severe in the first 30â€"60 minutes and may be accompanied by nausea, fatigue, headaches, fever and chills. All stingray injuries should be medically assessed; the wound needs to be thoroughly cleaned and often surgical exploration is required to remove any barb fragments remaining in the wound. Following cleaning a radiograph is helpful to confirm removal of all the fragments.[6]

If he got stung below his heart, he may of survived the attack.

I rekon by the end of the month, the video of his death will be out.
'That sort of self-delusion is what it takes to be a real Aussie larrikin'

Germaine Greer
Tuesday September 5, 2006
The Guardian

The world mourns. World-famous wildlife warrior Steve Irwin has died a hero, doing the thing he loved, filming a sequence for a new TV series. He was supposed to have been making a new documentary to have been called Ocean's Deadliest, but, when filming was held up by bad weather, he decided to "go off and shoot a few segments" for his eight-year-old daughter's upcoming TV series, "just stuff on the reef and little animals". His manager John Stainton "just said fine, anything that would keep him moving and keep his adrenaline going". Evidently it's Stainton's job to keep Irwin pumped larger than life, shouting "Crikey!" and punching the air.

Irwin was the real Crocodile Dundee, a great Australian, an ambassador for wildlife, a global phenomenon, a superhuman generator of merchandise, books, interactive video-games and action figures. The only creatures he couldn't dominate were parrots. A parrot once did its best to rip his nose off his face. Parrots are a lot smarter than crocodiles.

What seems to have happened on Batt Reef is that Irwin and a cameraman went off in a little dinghy to see what they could find. What they found were stingrays. You can just imagine Irwin yelling: "Just look at these beauties! Crikey! With those barbs a stingray can kill a horse!" (Yes, Steve, but a stingray doesn't want to kill a horse. It eats crustaceans, for God's sake.) All Australian children know about stingrays. We are now being told that only three people have ever been killed by Australian stingrays. One of them must have been the chap who bought it 60 years ago in Brighton Baths where my school used to go on swimming days. Port Philip Bay was famous for stingrays, which are fine as long as you can see them, but they do what most Dasyatidae do, which is bury themselves in the sand or mud with only their eyes sticking out. What you don't want to do with a stingray is stand on it. The lashing response of the tail is automatic; the barb is coated with a bacterial slime as deadly as rotten oyster toxin.

As a Melbourne boy, Irwin should have had a healthy respect for stingrays, which are actually commoner, and bigger, in southern waters than they are near Port Douglas, where he was killed. The film-makers maintain that the ray that took Irwin out was a "bull ray", or Dasyatis brevicaudata, but this is not usually found as far north as Port Douglas. Marine biologist Dr Meredith Peach has been quoted as saying, "It's really quite unusual for divers to be stung unless they are grappling with the animal and, knowing Steve Irwin, perhaps that may have been the case." Not much sympathy there then.

The only time Irwin ever seemed less than entirely lovable to his fans (as distinct from zoologists) was when he went into the Australia Zoo crocodile enclosure with his month-old baby son in one hand and a dead chicken in the other. For a second you didn't know which one he meant to feed to the crocodile. If the crocodile had been less depressed it might have made the decision for him. As the catatonic beast obediently downed its tiny snack, Irwin walked his baby on the grass, not something that paediatricians recommend for rubbery baby legs even when there isn't a stir-crazy carnivore a few feet away. The adoring world was momentarily appalled. They called it child abuse. The whole spectacle was revolting. The crocodile would rather have been anywhere else and the chicken had had a grim life too, but that's entertainment at Australia Zoo.

Irwin's response to the sudden outburst of criticism was bizarre. He believed that he had the crocodile under control. But he could have fallen over, suggested an interviewer. He admitted that was possible, but only if a meteor had hit the earth and caused an earthquake of 6.6 on the Richter scale. That sort of self-delusion is what it takes to be a "real Aussie larrikin".

What Irwin never seemed to understand was that animals need space. The one lesson any conservationist must labour to drive home is that habitat loss is the principal cause of species loss. There was no habitat, no matter how fragile or finely balanced, that Irwin hesitated to barge into, trumpeting his wonder and amazement to the skies. There was not an animal he was not prepared to manhandle. Every creature he brandished at the camera was in distress. Every snake badgered by Irwin was at a huge disadvantage, with only a single possible reaction to its terrifying situation, which was to strike. Easy enough to avoid, if you know what's coming. Even my cat knew that much. Those of us who live with snakes, as I do with no fewer than 12 front-fanged venomous snake species in my bit of Queensland rainforest, know that they will get out of our way if we leave them a choice. Some snakes are described as aggressive, but, if you're a snake, unprovoked aggression doesn't make sense. Snakes on a plane only want to get off. But Irwin was an entertainer, a 21st-century version of a lion-tamer, with crocodiles instead of lions.

In 2004, Irwin was accused of illegally encroaching on the space of penguins, seals and humpback whales in Antarctica, where he was filming a documentary called Ice Breaker. An investigation by the Australian Environmental Department resulted in no action being taken, which is not surprising seeing that John Howard, the prime minister, made sure that Irwin was one of the guests invited to a "gala barbecue" for George Bush a few months before. Howard is now Irwin's chief mourner, which is only fair, seeing that Irwin announced that Howard is the greatest leader the world has ever seen.

The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin, but probably not before a whole generation of kids in shorts seven sizes too small has learned to shout in the ears of animals with hearing 10 times more acute than theirs, determined to become millionaire animal-loving zoo-owners in their turn.

_/ _/ _/

Heartless *****.

I was actually quite surprised reading about what Germaine Greer actually said.

I don't think that it is as bad as what I kind of expected.

It is totally inconsiderate to have written this as close to the death and not does not show a lot of compassion towards Irwin's grieving family or close friends. But then selling newspapers has never been about showing compassion, have they?

Greer makes two valid points - the baby-walking in front of the crocodile incident and the illegally encroaching on the space of penguins, seals and humpback whales in Antarctica. He was rightfully slated for the first incident by a lot of media - I do not believe that Irwin would have placed his child in danger intentionally but he should have known better and he was media-savvy enough to know what the outcome was going to be.

On the second incident he should have been busted big-time. He was openly flouting the law and the Australian Environmental Department was soft in dropping the case. Obviously John Howard (who is a big fan) had a big something to do with that and even though Irwin has done a lot to promote Australia, especially in the United States of America, nobody should be above the law.

Irwin was a larrikin, he was loud, possibly obnoxious and way over the top but so what? That is what made him unique and that is why he was so popular all around the world. Some of his techniques may have been unsavoury to some but there are very few "experts" - sorry Greer you are only an expert when it comes to man-hating - that have come out and criticised Irwin the way that you have. Irwin may have by sticking his nose in places that it did not belong caused a bit of damage and distress to animals or reptiles but I think in the long-term he has done a lot of good in changing people's attitudes towards some of the not-cute animals.

An article like the one that Greer has published is reasonable - the freedom of expression ideal covers this and it is fair that Irwin takes some criticsm for the way that he has act but I have an issue with the timing - let his family have some space before the hating begins.

It is very sad that Irwin is no longer with us - but I envy the man - he was able to find something that he was truely passionate about and had an amazing life.

It is never tragic to die doing something that you truely love!
Irwin was a larrikin, he was loud, possibly obnoxious and way over the top but so what? That is what made him unique and that is why he was so popular all around the world. Some of his techniques may have been unsavoury to some but there are very few "experts" - sorry Greer you are only an expert when it comes to man-hating - that have come out and criticised Irwin the way that you have. Irwin may have by sticking his nose in places that it did not belong caused a bit of damage and distress to animals or reptiles but I think in the long-term he has done a lot of good in changing people's attitudes towards some of the not-cute animals.


Irwin was very passionate about wildlife and making people aware of it.......but after watching a few of his programmes, particularly the one where he is shown working in the zoo type environment.....he was not very skillful at dealing with his staff when the pressure came on and would often be rude........in a true sense he really was a wildlife person first and that is what he should be remembered for.......rather than his shortcomings dealing with people and the public gaze.
It was a Bull Ray

The Parent animal is "Ray"

The species are: Sting, Bull, Manta etc

Sting Rays are smaller than Bull Rays

The one that got Steve would have a larger more penetrating barb, on a tail which would be stronger, more robust.

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