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Wales V Scotland 12/2/12

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Academy Player
May 21, 2010
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not seen a thread for the match so i'd though i'd create one. In theory wales should win confortably but scotland now have a massive point to prove so could potentially be a close gam. This is what i want the scotland team to be. Also please dont turn this into another dan parks bashing thread, he wasnt the sole responsibilty behind the defeat

1 jacobson
2 ford
3 cross (sunday so murray cant play and he is also overrated imo)
4 gray
5 hamilton
6 ?
7 rennie (apart from the pass he had a good game
8 denton
9 blair (because laidlaw's playing)
10 laidlaw
12 matt scott
13 evans
14 jones
11 Rory lamont
15 stuart hogg
16 lawson
17 low
18 kellock
19 ?
20 lawson
21 weir
22 sean lamont
Unfortunately I dont share your optimism of a close game. Scotland best chance is that the Wales coach is hijacked by Scottish Nationalists and the team doesnt turn up. Seriously though I dont see where Scotland will be able to impose themselves in the tight or loose especially if Warburton is fit. Hate to say it but Wales by 20
Also please dont turn this into another dan parks bashing thread, he wasnt the sole responsibilty behind the defeat

Sorry, can't resist!

He's awful.

Not 100% responsible for the defeat no, but still the main reason for it.
Match threads are going up this evening :D

I'll merge this into the one I make though :)
As much as I love Scotland, and I hate to sound arrogant ( I am not) - but for this year at least, Wales will blow Scotland off the park. Ireland are without a doubt a fantastic team, and their performance last night was a testament to that, but everytime Wales recieved quick ball they looked very very dangerous.

I believe if Wales can up it - they can beat the Scots by 40 points. However if Scotland can improve, well you never know. So whoever wins, good luck to them.
Boys please wait for the official threads to go up this evening please ... its been less than 24 hours since the game ended yesterday.
Wales seem to have carried on a bit from where they left off in the RWC so on that I am going to assume they will be ruthless to teams that they should comfortably beat...... a la Fiji. Scotland will struggle in the contact area and everywhere in the backs. Unfortunately for the Scots they still have very little try scoring ability and relying on kicks isn't going to get them a win. On current form for both teams and at home Wales should win by 20 plus points. Priestland and Roberts should have gained a bit of match fitness now so be a lot better next week. Wales usually start slow and improve as the tournie goes on and unless Scotland can solve some of their serious problems I don't see how they are going to turn things around. They actually have the basis of what could be a good side but struggling to step up the level. We'll have to see how injuries and suspensions fair out for both to see if there might be any surprise inclusions. Parks needs to be dropped out of the 22 for the Scots as they have 2 better options readily available.
Wales seem to have carried on a bit from where they left off in the RWC so on that I am going to assume they will be ruthless to teams that they should comfortably beat...... a la Fiji. Scotland will struggle in the contact area and everywhere in the backs. Unfortunately for the Scots they still have very little try scoring ability and relying on kicks isn't going to get them a win. On current form for both teams and at home Wales should win by 20 plus points. Priestland and Roberts should have gained a bit of match fitness now so be a lot better next week. Wales usually start slow and improve as the tournie goes on and unless Scotland can solve some of their serious problems I don't see how they are going to turn things around. They actually have the basis of what could be a good side but struggling to step up the level. We'll have to see how injuries and suspensions fair out for both to see if there might be any surprise inclusions. Parks needs to be dropped out of the 22 for the Scots as they have 2 better options readily available.

I don't think they should win by 20 plus points, as although Scotland aren't scoring tries and winning matches they aren't getting thrashed

you're getting Scotland's poor try scoring form and passing it onto their all round game, their defence is actually quite good, apart from the All Blacks, no team has beaten them by more than 20 points since Ireland in 2008

with an attitude like that Wales could be complacent
I agree, if we go into this match with a lax attitude, we will fall behind quickly. (As in 2010)
I do think we, for the most part, have better players and should be considered favourites. I'd stick with the same 22 as much as possible, save Ryan at second row and potentially Dan Lydiate at 6. Lou Reed on the bench over Shingler, only because we need more than one dedicated second row in the 22. He will take the place of Andy Powell, who was fairly anonymous against Ireland...
Shane sure has grown hasn't he?
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