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B&I Lions 2009 - whos going?



Should we start a "South Africa or bust 2009" campaign and try to save enough dough to get to South Africa for the British & Irish Lions tour?

With 892 days left on the clock...are there any takers? :eek:
Would be bloody good to go!!! Lets see what happens and you never know we could have a TRF Section at every game!!!
Luckily its still three years or so away so we can see how we are all doing say in 2007 before anything concrete is planned.

I would love to go, even tempted to lay down 100 big ones on a deposit on a travel agents advance register!
Was always going to be one of my plans to go to SA for the 2009 Lions, ideally would have loved to have gone to NZ in 2005 but finances didn't permit, but they should be a lot healthier in 2½ years time.
Was always going to be one of my plans to go to SA for the 2009 Lions, ideally would have loved to have gone to NZ in 2005 but finances didn't permit, but they should be a lot healthier in 2½ years time.

Hahaha - travel agents must love you!
Usually in this kind of situation I would just backpack it and work on sorting out hostels, bus/rail passes, etc. But there is the added variable of the ticket. Maybe I would stand a better chance of getting a ticket if I went with a sports tour.

Also, most likely, if I co-ordinated which travel agent I go to with everyone else here, I should therefore be traveling along with everyone else on TRF! :D

I think I'll be looking at 2000 pounds / five trillion Euros for the trip.
I'd have thought about 5 grand would be about right, would probably be able to do it on the cheap for about 3.
That would be very, very cool.

Summer 2009 would also be great timing for me as I should just have finished my finals.

Definately an idea to pencil in to my diary.
Hmmm now, I never did think to budget for spending money! *laughs*

3-5k it is. Now for the hard part, saving for the trip.

Pencil me in as a maybe.

EDIT: These sports travel agents (like Gullivers, Kuoni Sport, etc) and their travel packages, they do include tickets to the games....right?
Hahahahha ofcourse they dont! lol.. no mate, they do...

3-5 thousand pounds... that is a lot of money!!!!
haha well thank god for that then!

I'm going to pre-register on one of the main tour operators then and see what happens.
Hahahahha ofcourse they dont! lol.. no mate, they do...

3-5 thousand pounds... that is a lot of money!!!!

well I was talking Euro which is considerably less, not to be sniffed at though.
Ah okay so about 1,500 - 3k in pounds sterling then! :D

Well, I guess the only list we could make would be a list of "maybes", me included :)

Lets look forward to 2008 then! :)
I won't go but I'll go to NZ for the RWC 2011. I've already started to save money for this long journey.
You wouldn't happen to know when and where this tour will be, and maybe what the expected prices for the tickets are ?

Youd think I would know these things... you know living in SA and all :unsure:

And by when I mean the exact dates and by where I mean which venues, becuase yes I am aware that it's going to be in south africa during 2009 :p

would be great if they're playing at Loftus or Ellis park, since I live just about 20 minutes from both.
if i were to join this, it would mean me travelling from dubai to SA and although i hav a safrican gf... i'm not sure i'd last till 2009 with er.. lol :p

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