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Italy v Romania

That was probably one the worst italian matches in four years, i guess the mix of pressure and ABs games tireness. But romania is a good team indeed.

Still an important result, it is gonna give confidence to the team and a week of rest is gonna be good.
Yeah, take nothing away from the Romanians. Those boys have pulled off upsets before and they know their rugby.
They deserve our respect.
What a world cup this is turning out to be. Virtually every match so far has been hugely competative. That was a huge performance Romania put in last night, right down to the wire.
Thank you from a Romanian to the two Welsh posters above :D
I was already rooting for Wales, but now I'm really gonna start rooting hard for the team of such polite, decent, rugby-knowing people :)
Haha, don't let those welsh boys fool you!

Polite and rugby-knowing for sure! But decent?!

Just joking guys, the Welsh are also much loved by the Kiwis.

And personally, so is Romania after that effort.

There are some hard and uncompromising men in the Oaks.
The lock, and captain is one guy I would not like to **** off!

I've been really impressed with some of the lesser funded teams at this WC. I really hope they can carry their form right through the rest of the tournament.
I think italy should have created a decent gap in the first half and then controlled the game. They failed at that and were unprepared for the romania come back in the first 20 of the second.

Horrible performance by most of the team, especially bortolussi, bortolami and the bergamascos.

Romania could have taken the lead at the end with a bit more luck/determination.

Still i think now scotland has 2 tough games, romania ABs, we'll see how well they performed.
my my my what a wc this is turning out to be, romania have got some balls thats for sure!! never backed down, and to be honest were very unlucky... never would have guessed who was the 6 nations team in that match, well done romania, and on that performance id expect them to give the scots a tough time, and i hope they win so they can shut up mr big head chris patterson.
Italy by 25 points.
barbie, you pessimist, you..

As for Italy, not over-rated, huh? :rolleyes:

Romania could have taken the lead at the end with a bit more luck/determination.
Yeah, we only missed the referee.. (and, to be fair, a bit of discretion in practicing the "dark arts")
Yes good performance form the Romanianz, Maybe if they chose territory over trying to kick from 50 + meters and turning over that penalty at the end (wat was socol thinkin, a captain should lead by example) the game couldve gone the other way. to our Romanian posters, did any of you guys go to the game?
Question- did the bloke who made the man of the match call actually watch the same game as the rest of us? Except for his place kicking, Paz was the single worst player out there on the field. He was the butcher, completely butchering any chance that the Italian backline had of maybe creating something.

Credit to the Romanians, they really showed, once again, what passion and commitment can do, especially on defense. With slightly better place kicking, especially in the 1st half, they could well have won this match. I underestimated them quite a bit.
ws4life, unfortunately I (still) have a business to run and jobs to apply to. Hectic, I know, so I cannot attend the World Cup games in person.

BokMagic, I understand that decision. Pez was the only player in the Italian team who didn't flutter and hesitate. He made everything he had to do, and it was the kind of game where kicking is decissive. Not that I'm blaming our fullback, by the way (he is the guy who missed all those long penalty kicks in the first half) - he played way above what I had him rated as. But Pez sealed the game.
We are sucking right now, but good to see we can play bad and get this victory. Too many rookie mistakes, even in our pack at the moment, it is not good watching.

Troncon gave us a direction when he came on at least. I think we can still improve before we play Scotland. Portugal is an important test to gain confidence.

Romania played very well, but also ill-disciplined. I hope you beat Scotland :)

<div class='quotemain'>
Italy by 25 points.
barbie, you pessimist, you..

As for Italy, not over-rated, huh? :rolleyes:

Romania could have taken the lead at the end with a bit more luck/determination.
Yeah, we only missed the referee.. (and, to be fair, a bit of discretion in practicing the "dark arts") [/b][/quote]

Well we have playe dour 2 worst matches for God knows how long, but at least we beat you guys and the other was against an unbeatable NZ... so there is still something to play for :)

Aside from the Southern Hemisphere guys, all the 6N teams seem to be struggling right now.
I though before the game it was going to be a close one, but I wasnt expecting such a poor performance by Italy. Poor tackling, (Ramiro Pez needs to improve his defense somehow, or Italy must come up with some strategy to solve that) specially in Marius Tincu try. Romania, on the other hand, played a great, simple game. If fullback Iulian Dumitras had a better day with the foot (I think he failed the 3 penalties Romania missed) they would have won the game.

Italy must improve, for sure. And Romania is ready to continue making noise in this RWC!
Pez created the first try, plus his kicking ... well, he was very important in the italian victory ...
to our Romanian posters, did any of you guys go to the game?
Sadly, no.
But we(P0IS0N and me) will go support our Oaks against the All Blacks. Hopefully, more TRF members will attend that game :drinks:
Pez created the first try, plus his kicking ... well, he was very important in the italian victory ...

Yes, he is very efficient attacking, but I think he don´t like playing defense at all. Italy has to find the way to solve that, maybe in the way Ireland does with O´Gara.
Yes, he is very efficient attacking, but I think he don´t like playing defense at all. Italy has to find the way to solve that, maybe in the way Ireland does with O´Gara.

Sure, I wasn't arguing about his defensive skills, I was saying why he has been choosen man of the match.
I was tres disappointed by this match. two teams which one offered a game really poor. I do not see the Italy earned meeting against the Scotland for it to qualify for the quarter of finale
I was in marseille on saturday against the Abs, it was deadly hot (Irb u can't schedule a game at 1.45 pm in marseille........).

So my feeling is that italy ran out of gas after the first half against romania. When they were down they mostly played with the heart, but all those ball handling mistake and lack of ideas were the sign they had no energy left.

Regarding Pez, yes he kicks decently but that' s pretty much it. He does not tackle and more than that he has no skills in opening up the game, with him the centres are useless, not to mention he tend to do a lop of cheap no sensical little kicks.

It is a tough choice but I would go for de marigny, 50% time he kicks poorly but he gives some flow to the game.

I mean with a strong scrum and mauls, decent lineup and some simple set up plays a player like dominguez would surely make that team able to compete with anyone from the NE. If we only had another dominguez............

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