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Samoa vs Tonga

Just FInished watching the Game Tonga hung on to win 19-15 and im proud of the Tongan boys. Tonga as a country has gone through alot this year and this is something the Kingdom needed. Tonga ended up holding off Samoa with 13 men, alot of silly penalties, But Tonga showed alot of heart. Once again I was impressed with the Fowards especially the back three of T Pole , Latu, and Maka they were great at the breakdown.

Full Time: Tonga 19 (Epi Taione Try, Pierre Hola Con, Pierre Hola 4 Pens) -15 Samoa (Gavin WIlliams 5 Pens)


SAMOA: Gavin Williams, Sailosi Tagicakibau, Elvis Seveali'I, Seilala Mapusua, Alesana Tuilagi, Loki Crichton, Steve So'oialo, Semo Sititi (capt), Ulia Ulia, Daniel Leo, Kane Thompson, Joe Tekori, Census Johnston, Mahonri Schwalger, Justin Va'a. Reserves: Tanielu Fuga, Muliufi Salanoa, Leo Lafaiali'I, Justin Purdie, Junior Polu, Lolo Lui, DavidLemi.

TONGA: Vungakoto Lilo, Tevita Tu'ifua, Sukanaivalu Hufanga, Epeli Taione, Joseph Vaka, Pierre Hola, Enele Taufa, Finau Maka, Nili Latu (capt), Hale T Pole, Paino Hehea, Inoke Afeaki, Kisi Pulu, Ephraim Taukafa, Soane Tonga'uiha. Reserves: Aleki Lutui, Toma Toke, Viliami Vaki, Emosi Kauhenga, Sione Tu'ipulotu, Isileli Tupou, Hudson Tonga'uiha.



Samoa: 27 Wins

Tonga: 23 Wins

Drawn: 4
It's a great surprise for me. I knew that Tonga was a good team, but I thought Samoa could be able to win this game, after viewing some good performances of its backs.
This is a terrible, terrible result for Samoa. This will be a KO to the RWC campaign.

It is not that Samoa should beat Tonga, but they just didn't play a game that would beat Tonga and it has come at the worst possible time. It was disappointing to watch a boring game with no resemblence to the usual Samoa style of play.

Samoa cannot gain anything from this World Cup, and third place and qualification is now beyond them unless they beat England and USA and somehow get a points difference to finish 3rd.

This will mean that Tonga, who have to qualify through a repecharge will now qualify for the next World Cup above Samoa.

Tonga played a great game, and Samoa were punished for endless kicking, which Tonga duly returned. It was the wrong tactic and Samoa didn't adapt.

Personally, i am gutted at this result but am very proud of the Tongans.

This is just a loss, but it will set back Samoan Rugby for a long, long time, unless they can somehow create a miracle and qualify over England and Tonga.

Very disappointing, i feel for the players as they work so hard to get into this position and then they lost their chance in a game that you'd really expect Samoa to win, albeit closely.

Nothing else to say.. roll on England.. we have nothing to lose now and should play as such.
Firstly, i'd like to congratulate Tonga. Tonga deserved this and it is a huge leap forward for Tongan rugby.

As i posted in the other thread, this defeat will set back Samoan rugby for a long time.. they just haven't played to expectations yet and will not emulate previous World Cups.

It is not the loss to Tonga that is upsetting, it is that Samoa have worked so hard to get to this stage of being in the frame at World Cups and then lose to a team that they should beat on a good day by their own errors.

Today, the game just did not work for Samoa. All in all, is is a very sad moment for Samoan rugby to see them in this position.

Words cannot describe how gutted i am for Samoa right now.

Hopefully we can put in a much better display against England, which to be fair i think Samoa will throw everything at. Then it's the USA which really is a game no worth watching.

Need to get some pride back as as soon as possible.
Really surprised,i thought Samoa would beat Tonga and then England,but know it will be very very dificult to take 3rd place in the group for playin` in next championship.
this is going to be a very strange table cant see tonga winning again while samoa may beat england. then we'd have a three way tie so i actually still favour samoa i think but only just
That was a useless boring game from Samoa and it was an unbelievable disappointing game for them. They failed everywhere on the field; the scrums, break downs, defense and offense and most important of all team work. Probably their kicking dominated most of their plays, were they playing table tennis? I felt they needed to run the ball more. They had so many opportunities and the last 10 mins of the game was ridiculous. They clearly couldn't work out what to do against a fired up Tongan team. So congrats to Tonga on their great victory.

As for Samoa, bad things do happen on the biggest rugby scene.
To be honest, I was kinda expecting this result. I knew Samoa would under-estimate Tonga after their last match was convincingly won by Samoa (something like 54-3 I thinkin the Pacific comp)...

The Tongas brutal defence need to be fine-tuned when they come up against England & SA...or they could look like playing with less players again.

Congratulations Tonga.
:( Im very dissapointed at the outcome of this match. Im glad i didnt watch it and i dont plan on watching the replay
This is what i feel like doing right now while im typing this
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If Samoa give England a good bashing I wouldn't totally count out a Tongan victory over the mother country in their last pool game. Still, it's much more likely that Samoa will push England for the win then Tonga.. which could make the fight for second spot more interesting then we ever would have imagined.
i dont know now if samoa will have the momentum to beat england.. england will be looking to bounce back from their demolition from south africa.. this game was the momentum builder for samoa.. disapointing...
Off topic.. but oh my god that boy needs to launched into space on a nuke. The only person i have ever seen that screams death worse than Tana Umaga..
This is a very disappointing result for Manu Samoa. Everyone was expecting a win, or at least a close loss with a good performance.

From all the games ive watched them play since 91 this would have to rank as the worst. All credit to Tonga for capitalising, but Manu Samoa just weren't playing as they should.

I suggest:

Steve So'oialo be relegated to bench or out of the game against England. His feeding of the ball to the backs was non-existent. At least three times he allowed clean ball from the scrum to be turned over because he would be shouting at the ref, waiting for 8 to pick it up/running away from the scrum so 8 has no choice but to pick it up... when our scrum is moving backwards thats the worst thing he can do. So'oialo never has a clue in adapting. Junior Polu is not the best SH but he knows how to pass the ball from a scrum/ruck to the fly-half...

Speaking of fly-half Loki Chrichton was horrific. For the England game I would think that MJ will choose Gavin Williams or Lolo Lui for the job and put Loki on the bench. He really is out of form with his kicking.

On a more positive note Samoa's chance of a QF position is not so farfetchd... Provided that Tonga loses to England and SA which is quite likely and Samoa beat England and USA with at least one bonus point that will put England @ 8 or 9 points Tonga @ 8 or 9 points Samoa @ 10 or 11 points. I know its a big ask, but if Samoa wants to restore pride, must cause a huge upset against England and thrash USA.

Fa'amalosi boys.
man, tongans really outplayed the samoans, whom made far too many errors! thats about it, tongans kicked well made the right decisions, contrasts what the samoans did.
the samoans got outplayed, took a few wrong options made far too many errors.

the tongans were tactically sound imo good kicking. I really like hola, ever since he scored an intercept try against NZ in the 03 WC
Samoa gave Tonga far too much respect.. but i am just wondering.. i had a thought and i think the Tongans and Samoans might have collaborated on this one.

Tonga will end with a 2-0-2 record, and England will also have a 2-0-2 record and if Samoa go all out to beat England, they will have a 2-0-2 record. Then it's down to maths.

I think the plan is that Samoa qualify ahead of England by beating England and Tonga finish 3rd, and qualify for 2011.

It will all be on points difference, but England will have to score a hatful against both Samoa and Tonga, which i don't think will happen.. plus Samoa have that bonus point. If Tonga dont win again, and England dont get a bonus point, and Samoa win both games then Samoa will qualify, especially if they score 4 vs the USA.

thats the thing about this samoa loss, it might have made it a tad easier for england to go through imo but makes it a hella lot exciting
I don't think Samoa played 'true' yesterday. I think there is definitely some pacific islands ganging up going on against England. Samoa can beat England, if they played like they did against SA, but only if England play like they did against SA.

The ones England need to watch out for are Tonga. They have the 8 points and could embarrass England. Look how Samoa struggled yesterday with Finau Maka.. Tonga are the biggest bruisers of the bunch, and i think if Samoa lose to England giving them a right pounding then Tonga will really take on the challenge against a pummeled and injury hit England.
you dont know how much **** is broken in my house cuz of this game arrrgghhh imo its over for samoa, now its up to tonga to give england a headache

tonga played exceptional though, quick to the rucks, very few basic errors, great teamwork, good on them

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