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Brent Impey Brands NH Nations Colonialists

Wasn't the biggest issue the promotion and relegation between divisions which some 6N countries were against?
Were they introducing it in the Championship?

Either way promotion and relegation in the 6 Nations is turkeys voting for Christmas for Italy and Scotland. They'll never agree to it.
Isn't there an element of cringe when someone of white European heritage bangs on about colonialism in whatever capacity as if their ancestors were not direct participants in the activity.

Haha, Yeah exactly. But what is more cringeworthy: This or Brexit?
Wasn't the biggest issue the promotion and relegation between divisions which some 6N countries were against?

For teams like Italy yeah. For teams like England and Wales they just want to keep their international season as it is because it makes plenty and they have control.
Not sure why Ireland was brought up. I mean he's made a fool of himself with this regardless, but the only person of islander descent we have ever had is Aki who is NZ born and would have been capped by the Kiwis if anyone you'd have to imagine.
Also the colonial analogy doesn't hit home particularly in an Irish context.... Is it so much to ask that people who are pants on head stupid don't get so much airtime in rugby?
There's a point to be made regarding the PIs, but not coming from a complete glue sniffer.
Not sure why Ireland was brought up. I mean he's made a fool of himself with this regardless, but the only person of islander descent we have ever had is Aki who is NZ born and would have been capped by the Kiwis if anyone you'd have to imagine.
Also the colonial analogy doesn't hit home particularly in an Irish context.... Is it so much to ask that people who are pants on head stupid don't get so much airtime in rugby?
There's a point to be made regarding the PIs, but not coming from a complete glue sniffer.

To that effect, I can't think of any islanders in the Wales squad unless someone has completely slipped my mind. Obviously Faletau would be in the squad if he were fit but even then he's lived in Wales since he was 7.
To that effect, I can't think of any islanders in the Wales squad unless someone has completely slipped my mind. Obviously Faletau would be in the squad if he were fit but even then he's lived in Wales since he was 7.

Come on guys, you know what's going to happen, we're gonna eliminate the countries one by one, and be left with one. THE ONE. The one that has been at it the longest. The one with the SH coach. No, wait, that won't work. The one that everyone loves to hate....
Come on guys, you know what's going to happen, we're gonna eliminate the countries one by one, and be left with one. THE ONE. The one that has been at it the longest. The one with the SH coach. No, wait, that won't work. The one that everyone loves to hate....
Wales? o_O Thought we were already ruled out by my last post ;)
New Zealand are spitting feathers at losing out to Hadleigh Parkes - the moment they bring in these new rules he'll ditch Wales and turn out for the All Blacks instead.
New Zealand are spitting feathers at losing out to Hadleigh Parkes - the moment they bring in these new rules he'll ditch Wales and turn out for the All Blacks instead.

The actual agenda finally emerges *dum dum dum*...

nice swerve btw ;)
His choice of words is appalling, at best. Let's not spent time arguing on something, i hope, we all agree on.
His examples were poor, granted too.

Now, if by colonialism (wrongly used, again) he meant that under the current rules most of the times richer nations benefit at the expense of poorer ones then he is, unfortunately, correct. We can argue about 1) how much and 2) if someone in his position has the moral authority to talk about it the way he does, but his point remains.

I think Jabby and H looked more at what he was trying to say as opposed to what he actually said and they both made good points.

I wish we (forum) had a broader representation, country-wise. Besides more people from PI i would love to hear what people from say, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Georgia, Canada and Romania have to say about this.
As i was reading i noticed how you all jumped on Impey and i couldn't help thinking about the lack of empathy in most of the posts. Everyone is guarding their own little plot of land. It's all about what benefits you and hardly ever what seems to be right/wrong.
I can understand why you criticize him and he deserved it, but very few actually granted any of his points, which i believe he has. That screams of bias.

The overwhelming majority of the post come from people who support nations who benefit from the current residency rules and, surprisingly, are attacking those who question those rules.
His choice of words is appalling, at best. Let's not spent time arguing on something, i hope, we all agree on.
His examples were poor, granted too.

Now, if by colonialism (wrongly used, again) he meant that under the current rules most of the times richer nations benefit at the expense of poorer ones then he is, unfortunately, correct. We can argue about 1) how much and 2) if someone in his position has the moral authority to talk about it the way he does, but his point remains.

I think Jabby and H looked more at what he was trying to say as opposed to what he actually said and they both made good points.

I wish we (forum) had a broader representation, country-wise. Besides more people from PI i would love to hear what people from say, Uruguay, Zimbabwe, Georgia, Canada and Romania have to say about this.
As i was reading i noticed how you all jumped on Impey and i couldn't help thinking about the lack of empathy in most of the posts. Everyone is guarding their own little plot of land. It's all about what benefits you and hardly ever what seems to be right/wrong.
I can understand why you criticize him and he deserved it, but very few actually granted any of his points, which i believe he has. That screams of bias.

The overwhelming majority of the post come from people who support nations who benefit from the current residency rules and, surprisingly, are attacking those who question those rules.
No one to my knowledge is saying NH teams haven't used players from other countries in their nations first XV, we're just a little miffed at him pointing the finger specifically at the NH when Australia and New Zealand have 'used' more PI players than any other country. It's not rocket science, just hypocrisy.
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The overwhelming majority of the post come from people who support nations who benefit from the current residency rules and, surprisingly, are attacking those who question those rules.

He is directly and deliberately not questioning the rules. He should, but he isn't.If he did question the rules, he's be questioning his own union's actions along with those he mentions.

Instead he is trying to act as though it's all the other nations breaking some sort of moral code, and they should be held to account for this.

He is trying to get people to police the system through some warped version of a moral compass, while insisting that the ones breaking that moral compass are someone else.

His comments go directly against creating a more just system, because that's not what he really wants.
Come on guys, everyone keeps going on about him calling out the home nations using PI talent, from what I read he doesn't have a problem with PI player plying their trade around the world

we have already, I thought at least, realised that was just leading to his point, he believes (and I have no idea how true it is) the home nations voted against PI players being able to come home to play for a second team, that's why he mentions Ireland and Wales, not because of all the players the have had

shows how poor his approach was! Everyone's too distracted / annoyed / confused by what he said I n the lead up to even notice what he was trying to get at
We have addressed that too... up thread. I'm just against a player being able to rep two countries... if you're going to want to go back and rep your actual country don't go rep someone else in the first place.

edit. You know how people abuse rules/laws... imagine how this would get abused if it were passed. You think three year residency was bad, wait til you get a load of the chaos this would unleash.

Edit 2. Sorry double posted and deleted the first/wrong one that responded to @Jabby