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SA vs Manu Samoa

Lemy once again shows the world that the South African wingers can only do the "run forward very fast" thing but not the "playing rugby" thing... [/b]

Looks kinda silly now, that comment huh Pressy?

Anyway, excellent first 30 minutes by the Manu. Really showed some stirring stuff. Worrying that it took us all of 30 minutes to finally get our R`ses in gear and play rugby. But Steyn really looks the business at 12. That`s where he should be starting from here on in for the remainder of our 1st-choice starting XV`s.
Well he'll have to now that De Villiers has been sent back home I guess.

Shame you really have to feel for the guy, missing out on the RWC again to injury, and this time it really is a case of so close but yet so far.

Percy was kicking a bit on off today, but other then that played his general good rugby being where he needs to be and also scoring 29 of the 59 points. Think he deserved the man of the match.
Well, he was pretty sharp in joining the line, his possitional play was pretty good, his hands were good and his passing quite superb. But his kicking from hand was just woeful. Fact is, with a right-footed 10 in either Butch or Petoorsie, we need the balance of his left boot. But if his kicking from hand is anything like that against tougher opposition, we`re in some serious trouble.

For me, the 2 guys who made the biggest impact were the impact players Steyn and BJ Botha. Both were excellent, the 1 getting our backline flowing where it kinda clogged up before, and the other completely disecting the Manu scrum, chewing it up and spitting it out. BJ should start at 3 also, being the stronger scrummager, with CJ`s versitality and left-wing tries being left to the bench.
Burger at 8 sped things up and made us more direct aswell i think. Id still prefer Juan there.

Lets hope dear old Wynand doesnt get chucked in at 12.
Ja, true hey. Schalk and Wikus hunting together in the flanks, and Juan`s better handling skills at 8. Although Danie`s starting to look better and better, skills wise, at 8, he`s still a bit light on speed around the park. And for all of his brute strength and physicality, his body position`s still way too high going into contact.

Wynand? OMG NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody else. Really. Even Turd Januarie at 12 rather than Wynand....
I've gotta disagree on the tackle by Lima being dangerous, the only reason he didn't get his arms in was because he was knocked out before managing to complete the tackle. He mistimed the hit and his head, not his shoulder was the first thing to make contact with the player's body, so it was a head charge and not a shoulder charge if it was anything. Lima is a hard but fair player and I was gutted when he went off, as he was the only thing that may have made the SAF a little scared to run at the centre, as they were doing so freely with Meafou and Williams there.
Big hits would have made them think twice a lot of the time, as for Samoans acting like petulant children, what about the constant thuggery from the SAFs taking players off the ball and repeatedly harassing them on the ground and entering every bloody ruck with a shoulder charge straight into the back of a Samoan player lying vulnerable in the ruck. Seriously that game was poorly reffed and poorly controlled.
It`s called "cleaning out" Ozzie, and it`s perfectly legal at ruck time mate. Basically, the idea being to shift the contact points, it`s the only legal avenue open to you to effectively slow down opposition ball. So what are you on about there?

Anyway, yeah Lima just got his head in completely the wrong place for that particular tackle. And head hitting body, well head will always come off second best. Just messed up the timing of the hit, like you said. Looked worse than it really was. I also can`t see fuss about that one really.
Another great match!

Samoa looked pretty handy in attack in the first half, might have a chance against a missfiring England.

South Africa = impressive. I love the way they play, simple rugby. They work an overlap and use the simplest of rugby skills...... draw the defender and get it to the quick bloke, and that means try fest for Habana (why oh way can't Wales work Mark Jones free like that). Habana was impressive, slightly dodgy tackling on a couple of his tries, but a lethal finisher when given half a chance.

Look out England, looks like a thrashings on the way if you don't turn things round.
It`s called "cleaning out" Ozzie, and it`s perfectly legal at ruck time mate. Basically, the idea being to shift the contact points, it`s the only legal avenue open to you to effectively slow down opposition ball. So what are you on about there?

Anyway, yeah Lima just got his head in completely the wrong place for that particular tackle. And head hitting body, well head will always come off second best. Just messed up the timing of the hit, like you said. Looked worse than it really was. I also can`t see fuss about that one really.


That's strange I always thought that leading with your shoulder when cleaning out is not legal as it is dangerous driving a shoulder without using your arms, into a player lying prone on top of a ruck. I had always thought that you had to clean out using your arms, ah well I guess you learn something new every day.
Samoa when they're not tired they look very strong! that first try was a beaut!!

paul honiss is a joke as a international ref! i hate him! and hes a nz'er! that disallowed try in the 41-42nd minute should've went up stairs!

samoa, they should work on fitness and stamina! seriously!

they have some MASSIVE guys man!!
I'm not sure if it is the fitness and stamina they don't have that is the problem, or the fact that they are so physical and brutal to themselves and the opponent that they also absolutely knock the stuffing out of themselves.

Most of them are so big, like Alesana that it must be a struggle to carry that weight around.

Against most teams of their level, Samoa will dominate physically but it must take a toll. Samoa must have a few injuries after that demolition they gave SA.

I was saying the tackle by Lima was dangerous, as the commentator said it at the time. Probably more dangerous to Lima than Habana.

It was not malicious and i couldn't any other angle on the replay.. it looked really really bad.. but the fact that Habana was fine and that a couple of Boks patted Lima on the back tells you all you need to know.

I was impressed by Samoa. Ok they may have been overly-physical at times, but that is the game and it's not like it's not expected. That what makes them such a tough opponent.
Yes fitness is all well and good, but they really lacked defensive organisation, this meant they had to do so much scrambling, which is just bloody exhausting.
Having a well drilled and well organised defensive line makes you so much tougher as a team, Samoa has the power, speed and flair to foot it with most teams on attack and has some guys who can put in the big hits, but they are just don't have the organisation to take maximum advantage of their physicality, oh and their passing is **** which also takes the zip out of their attack a little.
The ref definitely spoiled this game - Honiss had a shocker - the try that never was? Hmmm correct decision if you ask me but then that's what the TMO is for...at least then there will be no doubt - after all 21-14 is a lot better than 28-7 which the score was soon after...

I agree there were a lot of afters on the part of the Boks...especially on the floor when not needed. Burger is a great player but also rather dirty - that smack in the face on Lemi looked a little pre-meditated...Lemi was lucky not to get knocked out!

Samoa were impressive first half - i don't think they have the fitness however to ebat England - they will be worn down by 9-10 man rugby...

Boks looked good though and Habana - just wow - great finisher....4 tries out of nowhere!
yeah that blardy honiss i felt, was a bit bias at times, schalk shouldve been sent to the bin!
Shame about Jean :( , looking towards the england game, im praying Steyn gets the start at inside centre before Olivier.
The brutality at the start was great to watch. Samoa lacked discipline in nearly every facet of the game and therefore were never gonna be much of a worry to SA.
I hope some one hurts that burger ****. I hate that prick!
Honnis did a a pretty crap job at reffing but not to the point where it lost samoa the game. The samoans did a good job of that themselves. Once the boks concentrated on playing rugby they managed to put together some great sequences of play. They'll be hard to beat if they play to their strengths and utilize the advantage they have in such a formidable pack.
The first 3 individual tries by habana were great. Best winger in the world hands down!
Heres hoping the poms get their **** together to upset the boks later this week! Never thought id back the poms...EVER! :p
Well he'll have to now that De Villiers has been sent back home I guess.
Shame you really have to feel for the guy, missing out on the RWC again to injury, and this time it really is a case of so close but yet so far.

Yeah the look on his face as he walked off the field explains it.

But anyways even though it was a thrashing by South Africa, it was a great performance by the Manu in the first 50 minutes. Yep Honiss was a nightmare this very early morning. He's a NZer :wall:

Just wanna point out that Samoa did have a few more scoring opportunities which failed, so they should improve more on their passing.
a great match.. but i get the feeling that the samoans are more interested in killing someone then actually winning the game.

southafricas defense was ok, but they did not seem to have a fast rush like they are known for. maybe scared of those giant taro eating monsters!

steyn looked great at 12 - really sparked our attack up.
pietersen was pretty good on the wing i thought - showed up the fatty opposite him a few times - just the odd step inside here, kick chase etc
a great match.. but i get the feeling that the samoans are more interested in killing someone then actually winning the game.

That's funny because the Saffas give me that impression every game. Bakkies Botha is a c***, always scrapping with someone at the ruck. Good player, but he's a complete nob

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