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Groin injuries can happen in training - could be a muscular imbalance from off-season training...
I'm just speculating, but the point I'm trying to make is that he didn't need to be playing to pick up an injury - Etzebeth missed the entire season because he tripped up in the shower and stubbed his toe, didn't he?
Groin injuries can happen in training - could be a muscular imbalance from off-season training...
I'm just speculating, but the point I'm trying to make is that he didn't need to be playing to pick up an injury - Etzebeth missed the entire season because he tripped up in the shower and stubbed his toe, didn't he?

Yeah true, just not so sure about the comments from Toulon saying that he picked it up before arriving.
Wouldn't he have had a medical when he arrived?
That statement makes me really dislike Toulon. They sound like a kid trying to throw its toys out of a pram. If Halfpenny had in beforehand, and if its serious enough to give him a long layoff, why didn't they pick it up in the extensive medical they would have done? I'm sure this has nothing to do with the sudden need for funds to sign a new ten on an medical jokers contract...
Unless he actively tried to hide an injury then Toulon are entirely culpable IMO.
Toulon aren't happy. They're used to winning. Everything. All the time. And they had a miserable night at home against Bordeaux followed by last week's home loss to Paris. They've got a million injuries, and guys unavailable for other reasons. They had to play O'Connor at flyhalf, slip Bruni at lock temporarily, and tried 3 different guys in like 15min to kick in the points, in O'Connor, Armitage (no, not Steffon..) and then the young Eric Escande. They all failed and left about five 3-pointers in the wind. Quite literally in the wind. They're panicking a little. It's normal. When shiit ain't happenin' on the field, they start looking for issues elsewhere. All of a sudden, they're like "yeah, and that HP fella gettin' them paychecks sittin' his ass all day over there, huh ?!" - although it's true they brought him in almost solely because of his right boot. To replace Wilko (in that regard).
They'll do fine again shortly...but for a Halfpenny he sure is costing them a fortune ! *sticks hand out, nobody high fives*
That statement makes me really dislike Toulon. They sound like a kid trying to throw its toys out of a pram. If Halfpenny had in beforehand, and if its serious enough to give him a long layoff, why didn't they pick it up in the extensive medical they would have done? I'm sure this has nothing to do with the sudden need for funds to sign a new ten on an medical jokers contract...

That's what happens when a business man with n grounding int he sport takes an active daily interest in the selection and player management at HIS club.

If penny hide an injury fair enough, if he was open and transparent then tough on Boudjellal.
The cost to Toulon is probably nothing at the moment that is money wise, as he will have been signed off on the Social security, as anyone who is registered in France in the normal way would be if they can't work.The fact that if he did arrive with his injury then he could be in trouble, but that has to be proved and if Boudjellal, wants to cancel his contract he would have to buy it out unless there are some specific clauses that state otherwise. All very delicate at the moment, there is talk of Sir Jonny coming out of retirement but at the moment it's only talk. This could rumble on for a while.
Fair enough be tough in him if he did, but when you know for sure not just when you begin to look into it. Boudjellal didn't need to publicly call him out like this and it just paints him in a very poor light. I can't imagine that 1/2p will be too encouraged by a boss putting him under fire publically without any proof. Having said that this is all based on the info we have atm and me giving 1/2p the benefit of the doubt.
Toulon aren't happy. They're used to winning. Everything. All the time. And they had a miserable night at home against Bordeaux followed by last week's home loss to Paris. They've got a million injuries, and guys unavailable for other reasons. They had to play O'Connor at flyhalf, slip Bruni at lock temporarily, and tried 3 different guys in like 15min to kick in the points, in O'Connor, Armitage (no, not Steffon..) and then the young Eric Escande. They all failed and left about five 3-pointers in the wind. Quite literally in the wind. They're panicking a little. It's normal. When shiit ain't happenin' on the field, they start looking for issues elsewhere. All of a sudden, they're like "yeah, and that HP fella gettin' them paychecks sittin' his ass all day over there, huh ?!" - although it's true they brought him in almost solely because of his right boot. To replace Wilko (in that regard).
They'll do fine again shortly...but for a Halfpenny he sure is costing them a fortune ! *sticks hand out, nobody high fives*

Hopefully they still have those problems come the Away leg of the Champions cup.
Fair enough be tough in him if he did, but when you know for sure not just when you begin to look into it. Boudjellal didn't need to publicly call him out like this and it just paints him in a very poor light. I can't imagine that 1/2p will be too encouraged by a boss putting him under fire publically without any proof. Having said that this is all based on the info we have atm and me giving 1/2p the benefit of the doubt.

The dude is a massive egomaniac - he's the owner - he doesn't need to do anything, but he does because Toulon is his little toy.
He's becoming increasingly grating.
The dude is a massive egomaniac - he's the owner - he doesn't need to do anything, but he does because Toulon is his little toy.
He's becoming increasingly grating.

Surly it damages his business in its ability to attract players in the future, I know I wouldn't want to work under somebody so demeaning. Particularly with more and more clubs offering big bags of cash making other considerations of a club important.
La star galloise, Leigh Halfpenny, est toujours sur le flanc touché aux adducteurs. Mourad Boudjellal suspecte le joueur d'être arrivé avec cette blessure et n'exclut pas de dénoncer son contrat.
Où en est Halfpenny qui a été recruté pour succèder au pied à Jonny Wilkinson?
"Aujourd'hui, il faut aussi régler ce problème car on n'a besoin d'un buteur de niveau international. On est dans l'attente au niveau médical. Il en aurait encore pour deux ou trois semaines. Mais le problème qu'on a aujourd'hui c'est qu'on pense qu'il est peut-être venu à Toulon avec cette blessure aux adducteurs. Aujourd'hui, on n'a plutôt l'impression que oui, il était blessé quand il a signé à Toulon. Si c'est le cas, il n'est pas exclu que l'on dénonce le contrat. Je paye assez de joueurs pour leurs sélections. Je n'ai pas envie de préparer Halfpenny pour la coupe du Monde pour le Pays de Galles. On fait une enquête. Je saurai cette semaine exactement le pourquoi du comment…"

<section style="height: 3288px;" id="ctrrgt">This was the statement from the Var matin Toulon local rag, basically if he came with the injury he may well cancel his contract as he does not want to get 1/2 penny ready for the WC for Wales at his expense, there will be an inquiry and the result should be know later this week early next week.Also Sir Jonny has said the boots are hung up and will not be coming of the peg, but even JONNY CAN CHANGE HIS MIND££££££££$$$$$$$$$$£££££££££$$$$$$$$$$£££££££££$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!

sorrry about the size have not a clue what happened there...... cant seem to change it sorry.......
All very delicate at the moment, there is talk of Sir Jonny coming out of retirement but at the moment it's only talk. This could rumble on for a while.

Actually that's over, it's been talked about, and it's been concluded. Oh and I just LOVE how deliciously English/Jonnyish his answer was: "I do love Toulon, but playing would be unreasonable" hahaaaa !!! Sooo Jonny ! :D the guy is a wise little blonde-haired Buddha.

Fair enough be tough in him if he did, but when you know for sure not just when you begin to look into it. Boudjellal didn't need to publicly call him out like this and it just paints him in a very poor light. I can't imagine that 1/2p will be too encouraged by a boss putting him under fire publically without any proof. Having said that this is all based on the info we have atm and me giving 1/2p the benefit of the doubt.

Immediately thought about that when I read about it. Also, it's very un-Toulon like as they put such an emphasis on the well-being of their players. I'm sure Boudjellal has some sort of info he hasn't disclosed yet, he wouldn't just throw himself out in pitch black darkness like this...or would he ? I dunno, he loves a newspaper headline so much, maybe he just needed a scapegoat for the Toulon fans to blame, emphasize the injury, turn the eyes away from the on-the-field issues.

EDIT: looool what the hell gaston !!!! :D
Toulon aren't exactly the most likeable club as it is, so stuff like this really does grate, especially after the way they mucked about Ian Evans during the off season.

If they do up and terminate his contract, it could be pretty damn good timing for the WRU + a Welsh club to swoop in and hand him a dual contract. Blues and the Ospreys are apparently "monitoring the situation".

Also just heard Hernandez has signed for Toulon on a 6 month contract, true?
Toulon aren't exactly the most likeable club as it is, so stuff like this really does grate, especially after the way they mucked about Ian Evans during the off season.

If they do up and terminate his contract, it could be pretty damn good timing for the WRU + a Welsh club to swoop in and hand him a dual contract. Blues and the Ospreys are apparently "monitoring the situation".

Also just heard Hernandez has signed for Toulon on a 6 month contract, true?

Yes he is replacing Connor when he leaves.
And now the **** is threatening to terminate Lobbe, Botha and Habana's contracts because they're doing nothing wrong.


Surly if he does go through with this he can be sued for a ton of money.

This is bull sh** he has asked if Bakies could return as he has not played and is not in the squad i belive, (dont shoot me if i'm wrong,) The article is media hype and utter nonsenes probably something to do with the Welsh not happy about the halfpenny affair and writing a load of BOLL**** come on who believes Walesonline outsde Wales!!!!!!!!